MavenArchiveConfiguration archiveConfig = new MavenArchiveConfiguration();
ObjectWithFieldsConverter converter = new ObjectWithFieldsConverter();
ClassLoader loader = JarPluginConfiguration.class.getClassLoader();
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator = new DefaultExpressionEvaluator();
ConverterLookup converters = new DefaultConverterLookup();
PlexusConfiguration settings = null;
// first look for bundle specific archive settings
settings = getPluginConfiguration( project, "org.apache.felix", "maven-bundle-plugin" );
settings = settings.getChild( "archive" );
catch ( Exception e )
// if it's empty fall back to the jar archive settings
if ( null == settings || settings.getChildCount() == 0 )
settings = getCorePluginConfiguration( project, "jar" );
settings = settings.getChild( "archive" );
converter.processConfiguration( converters, archiveConfig, loader, settings, evaluator, null );
catch ( Exception e )
// ignore and return empty configuration...