Package org.codehaus.plexus.component.configurator

Examples of org.codehaus.plexus.component.configurator.ComponentConfigurationException

            return exception.buildDiagnosticMessage();
        else if ( DiagnosisUtils.containsInCausality( pce, ComponentConfigurationException.class ) )
            ComponentConfigurationException cce = (ComponentConfigurationException) DiagnosisUtils.getFromCausality(
                pce, ComponentConfigurationException.class );

            return pce.buildConfigurationDiagnosticMessage( cce );
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                role +
                "' + which is needed by plexus to function properly cannot " +
                "be instantiated. Implementation attribute was not specified in plexus.conf." +
                "This is highly irregular, your plexus JAR is most likely corrupt.";

            throw new ComponentConfigurationException( msg );

        ComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor = new ComponentDescriptor();

        componentDescriptor.setRole( role );

        componentDescriptor.setImplementation( implementation );

        PlexusConfiguration configuration = new XmlPlexusConfiguration( "configuration" );

        configuration.addChild( c );

            configurator.configureComponent( this, configuration, plexusRealm );
        catch ( ComponentConfigurationException e )
            // TODO: don't like rewrapping the same exception, but better than polluting this all through the config code
            String message = "Error configuring component: " + componentDescriptor.getHumanReadableKey();
            throw new ComponentConfigurationException( message, e );
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        if ( name == null )
            String msg = "Converter: java.util.Properties. Trying to convert the configuration element: '" + element +
                "', missing child element 'name'.";

            throw new ComponentConfigurationException( msg );

        String value = property.getChild( "value" ).getValue( "" );

        properties.put( name, value );
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                catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
                    String msg = "An attempt to convert configuration entry " + configuration.getName() + "' into " +
                        type + " object failed: " + e.getMessage();

                    throw new ComponentConfigurationException( msg, e );
                catch ( InstantiationException e )
                    String msg = "An attempt to convert configuration entry " + configuration.getName() + "' into " +
                        type + " object failed: " + e.getMessage();

                    throw new ComponentConfigurationException( msg, e );
        // now we have collection and we have to add some objects to it

        for ( int i = 0; i < configuration.getChildCount(); i++ )
            PlexusConfiguration c = configuration.getChild( i );
            //Object o = null;

            String configEntry = c.getName();

            String name = fromXML( configEntry );

            Class childType = getClassForImplementationHint( null, c, classLoader );

            if ( childType == null && name.indexOf( '.' ) > 0 )
                    childType = classLoader.loadClass( name );
                catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
                    // not found, continue processing

            if ( childType == null )
                // Some classloaders don't create Package objects for classes
                // so we have to resort to slicing up the class name

                String baseTypeName = baseType.getName();

                int lastDot = baseTypeName.lastIndexOf( '.' );

                String className;

                if ( lastDot == -1 )
                    className = name;
                    String basePackage = baseTypeName.substring( 0, lastDot );

                    className = basePackage + "." + StringUtils.capitalizeFirstLetter( name );

                    childType = classLoader.loadClass( className );
                catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
                    if ( c.getChildCount() == 0 )
                        // If no children, try a String.
                        // TODO: If we had generics we could try that instead - or could the component descriptor list an impl?
                        childType = String.class;
                        throw new ComponentConfigurationException( "Error loading class '" + className + "'", e );

            ConfigurationConverter converter = converterLookup.lookupConverterForType( childType );
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                                     ConfigurationListener listener )
        throws ComponentConfigurationException
        if ( configuration.getChildCount() > 0 )
            throw new ComponentConfigurationException( "When configuring a basic element the configuration cannot " +
                "contain any child elements. " + "Configuration element '" + configuration.getName() + "'." );

        Object retValue = fromExpression( configuration, expressionEvaluator );
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                String msg =
                    "Class name which was explicitly given in configuration using 'implementation' attribute: '" +
                        implementation + "' cannot be loaded";

                throw new ComponentConfigurationException( msg, e );

        return retValue;
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            retValue = classLoader.loadClass( classname );
        catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
            throw new ComponentConfigurationException( "Error loading class '" + classname + "'", e );

        return retValue;
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            return retValue;
        catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
            throw new ComponentConfigurationException( "Class '" + clazz.getName() + "' cannot be instantiated", e );
        catch ( InstantiationException e )
            throw new ComponentConfigurationException( "Class '" + clazz.getName() + "' cannot be instantiated", e );
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            if ( !type.isAssignableFrom( v.getClass() ) )
                String msg = "Cannot assign configuration entry '" + configuration.getName() + "' to '" + type +
                    "' from '" + configuration.getValue( null ) + "', which is of type " + v.getClass();
                throw new ComponentConfigurationException( configuration, msg );
        return v;
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            catch ( ExpressionEvaluationException e )
                String msg = "Error evaluating the expression '" + value + "' for configuration value '" +
                    configuration.getName() + "'";
                throw new ComponentConfigurationException( configuration, msg, e );
        if ( v == null )
            value = configuration.getAttribute( "default-value", null );
            if ( value != null && value.length() > 0 )
                    v = expressionEvaluator.evaluate( value );
                catch ( ExpressionEvaluationException e )
                    String msg = "Error evaluating the expression '" + value + "' for configuration value '" +
                        configuration.getName() + "'";
                    throw new ComponentConfigurationException( configuration, msg, e );
        return v;
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Related Classes of org.codehaus.plexus.component.configurator.ComponentConfigurationException

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