// Compile non-static import declarations. (Must be done here in the constructor and not
// down in "compileUnit()" because otherwise "resolve()" cannot resolve type names.)
this.typeImportsOnDemand = new ArrayList();
this.typeImportsOnDemand.add(new String[] { "java", "lang" });
for (Iterator it = this.compilationUnit.importDeclarations.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
ImportDeclaration id = (ImportDeclaration) it.next();
class UCE extends RuntimeException { final CompileException ce; UCE(CompileException ce) { this.ce = ce; } }
try {
id.accept(new ImportVisitor() {
// CHECKSTYLE(LineLengthCheck):OFF
public void visitSingleTypeImportDeclaration(SingleTypeImportDeclaration stid) { try { UnitCompiler.this.import2(stid); } catch (CompileException e) { throw new UCE(e); } }
public void visitTypeImportOnDemandDeclaration(TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration tiodd) { UnitCompiler.this.import2(tiodd); }
public void visitSingleStaticImportDeclaration(SingleStaticImportDeclaration ssid) {}
public void visitStaticImportOnDemandDeclaration(StaticImportOnDemandDeclaration siodd) {}