final byte[] outputBuffer = _outputBuffer;
final int[] escCodes = _outputEscapes;
// may or may not have this limit
final int maxUnescaped = (_maximumNonEscapedChar <= 0) ? 0xFFFF : _maximumNonEscapedChar;
final CharacterEscapes customEscapes = _characterEscapes; // non-null
while (offset < end) {
int ch = cbuf[offset++];
if (ch <= 0x7F) {
if (escCodes[ch] == 0) {
outputBuffer[outputPtr++] = (byte) ch;
int escape = escCodes[ch];
if (escape > 0) { // 2-char escape, fine
outputBuffer[outputPtr++] = BYTE_BACKSLASH;
outputBuffer[outputPtr++] = (byte) escape;
} else if (escape == CharacterEscapes.ESCAPE_CUSTOM) {
SerializableString esc = customEscapes.getEscapeSequence(ch);
if (esc == null) {
throw new JsonGenerationException("Invalid custom escape definitions; custom escape not found for character code 0x"
+Integer.toHexString(ch)+", although was supposed to have one");
outputPtr = _writeCustomEscape(outputBuffer, outputPtr, esc, end-offset);
} else {
// ctrl-char, 6-byte escape...
outputPtr = _writeGenericEscape(ch, outputPtr);
if (ch > maxUnescaped) { // [JACKSON-102] Allow forced escaping if non-ASCII (etc) chars:
outputPtr = _writeGenericEscape(ch, outputPtr);
SerializableString esc = customEscapes.getEscapeSequence(ch);
if (esc != null) {
outputPtr = _writeCustomEscape(outputBuffer, outputPtr, esc, end-offset);
if (ch <= 0x7FF) { // fine, just needs 2 byte output