* The enum type containing the known qnames for this qname enum accessor, or null is this accessor doesn't reference a known qname type.
* @return The enum type containing the known qnames for this qname enum accessor.
public TypeMirror getQNameEnumRef() {
XmlQNameEnumRef enumRef = getAnnotation(XmlQNameEnumRef.class);
TypeMirror qnameEnumType = null;
if (enumRef != null) {
AnnotationProcessorEnvironment env = Context.getCurrentEnvironment();
try {
TypeDeclaration decl = env.getTypeDeclaration(enumRef.value().getName());
qnameEnumType = env.getTypeUtils().getDeclaredType(decl);
catch (MirroredTypeException e) {
qnameEnumType = e.getTypeMirror();