// XXX we now never do an exact match with terms provided through the web app. We can change
// this, e.g. by adding a check box whose value is the boolean argument of doSearch()
Collection<Study> matches = doSearch(request, response, searchType, errors,searchTerm,false,null);
if ( TreebaseUtil.isEmpty(request.getParameter("format")) || ! request.getParameter("format").equals("rss1") ) {
SearchResults<Study> newRes = intersectSearchResults(oldRes, new StudySearchResults(matches),
new RequestMessageSetter(request), "No matching studies found");
saveSearchResults(request, newRes);
return new ModelAndView("search/studySearch", Constants.RESULT_SET, newRes);
else {
return this.searchResultsAsRDF(new StudySearchResults(matches), request, null,"study","study");