denormalized = accessible.getAnnotation(CDenormalized.class);
ignore = accessible.getAnnotation(CIgnore.class);
meta = accessible.getAnnotation(CMeta.class);
lazy = accessible.getAnnotation(CLazy.class);
CAttributeOverrides attributeOverrides = accessible.getAnnotation(CAttributeOverrides.class);
CAttributeOverride attributeOverride = accessible.getAnnotation(CAttributeOverride.class);
if (column != null && multiColumn != null) {
throw new ModelParseException(
"must not use @" + CColumn.class.getSimpleName() + " and @" +
CMultiColumn.class.getSimpleName() + " together at " + accessible
if (attributeOverrides != null && attributeOverride != null) {
throw new ModelParseException(
"must not use @" + CAttributeOverride.class.getSimpleName() + " and @" +
CAttributeOverrides.class.getSimpleName() + " together at " + accessible
} else if (attributeOverride != null) {
this.attributeOverrides = new AttrOverrideMap(attributeOverride.attributePath(), attributeOverride.column());
} else if (attributeOverrides != null) {
this.attributeOverrides = new AttrOverrideMap(attributeOverrides.value());