Package org.broadleafcommerce.core.workflow.state

Examples of org.broadleafcommerce.core.workflow.state.RollbackFailureException

        ProcessContext<CheckoutSeed> ctx = processContext;
        Order order = ctx.getSeedData().getOrder();
        try {
        } catch (TaxException e) {
            throw new RollbackFailureException("An exception occured cancelling taxes for order id: " + order.getId(), e);

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            contextualInformation.put(ContextualInventoryService.ORDER_KEY, processContext.getSeedData().getOrder());
            if (inventoryToIncrement != null && !inventoryToIncrement.isEmpty()) {
                try {
                    inventoryService.incrementInventory(inventoryToIncrement, contextualInformation);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    RollbackFailureException rfe = new RollbackFailureException("An unexpected error occured in the error handler of the checkout workflow trying to compensate for inventory. This happend for order ID: " +
                            orderId + ". This should be corrected manually!", ex);
                    throw rfe;
            if (inventoryToDecrement != null && !inventoryToDecrement.isEmpty()) {
                try {
                    inventoryService.decrementInventory(inventoryToDecrement, contextualInformation);
                } catch (InventoryUnavailableException e) {
                    //This is an awkward, unlikely state.  I just added some inventory, but something happened, and I want to remove it, but it's already gone!
                    RollbackFailureException rfe = new RollbackFailureException("While trying roll back (decrement) inventory, we found that there was none left decrement.", e);
                    throw rfe;
                } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
                    LOG.error("An unexpected error occured in the error handler of the checkout workflow trying to compensate for inventory. This happend for order ID: " +
                            orderId + ". This should be corrected manually!", ex);
                    RollbackFailureException rfe = new RollbackFailureException("An unexpected error occured in the error handler of the checkout workflow " +
                            "trying to compensate for inventory. This happend for order ID: " +
                            orderId + ". This should be corrected manually!", ex);
                    throw rfe;
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    public void rollbackState(Activity<? extends ProcessContext<CheckoutSeed>> activity, ProcessContext<CheckoutSeed> processContext, Map<String, Object> stateConfiguration) throws RollbackFailureException {
        CheckoutSeed seed = processContext.getSeedData();

        if (paymentConfigurationServiceProvider == null) {
            throw new RollbackFailureException("There is no rollback service configured for the payment gateway configuration, cannot rollback unconfirmed"
                    + " payments");

        Map<OrderPayment, PaymentTransaction> rollbackResponseTransactions = new HashMap<OrderPayment, PaymentTransaction>();
        Collection<PaymentTransaction> transactions = (Collection<PaymentTransaction>) stateConfiguration.get(ValidateAndConfirmPaymentActivity.CONFIRMED_TRANSACTIONS);
        for (PaymentTransaction tx : transactions) {
            PaymentRequestDTO rollbackRequest = transactionToPaymentRequestDTOService.translatePaymentTransaction(tx.getAmount(), tx);
            PaymentGatewayConfigurationService cfg = paymentConfigurationServiceProvider.getGatewayConfigurationService(tx.getOrderPayment().getGatewayType());
            try {

                PaymentResponseDTO responseDTO = null;
                if (PaymentTransactionType.AUTHORIZE.equals(tx.getType())) {
                    if (cfg.getRollbackService() != null) {
                        responseDTO = cfg.getRollbackService().rollbackAuthorize(rollbackRequest);
                } else if (PaymentTransactionType.AUTHORIZE_AND_CAPTURE.equals(tx.getType())) {
                    if (cfg.getRollbackService() != null) {
                        responseDTO = cfg.getRollbackService().rollbackAuthorizeAndCapture(rollbackRequest);
                } else {
                    LOG.warn("The transaction with id " + tx.getId() + " will NOT be rolled back as it is not an AUTHORIZE or AUTHORIZE_AND_CAPTURE transaction but is"
                            + " of type " + tx.getType() + ". If you need to roll back transactions of this type then provide a customized rollback handler for"
                                    + " confirming transactions.");

                if (responseDTO != null) {
                    PaymentTransaction transaction = orderPaymentService.createTransaction();
                    rollbackResponseTransactions.put(tx.getOrderPayment(), transaction);

                    if (!responseDTO.isSuccessful()) {
                        LOG.fatal("Unable to rollback transaction with id " + tx.getId() + ". The call was unsuccessful with"
                                + " raw response: " + responseDTO.getRawResponse());

            } catch (PaymentException e) {
                throw new RollbackFailureException("The transaction with id " + tx.getId() + " encountered and exception when it was attempted to roll back"
                        + " its confirmation", e);

        Order order = seed.getOrder();
        List<OrderPayment> paymentsToInvalidate = new ArrayList<OrderPayment>();

        // Add the new rollback transactions to the appropriate payment and mark the payment as invalid.
        // If there was a failed transaction rolling back we will need to throw a RollbackFailureException after saving the
        // Transaction Response to the DB
        boolean rollbackFailure = false;
        for (OrderPayment payment : order.getPayments()) {
            if (rollbackResponseTransactions.containsKey(payment)) {
                PaymentTransaction rollbackTX = rollbackResponseTransactions.get(payment);
                if (!rollbackTX.getSuccess()) {
                    rollbackFailure = true;

        if (rollbackFailure) {
            throw new RollbackFailureException("The ConfirmPaymentsRollbackHandler encountered and exception when it " +
                    "attempted to roll back a transaction on one of the payments. Please see LOG for details.");
        } else {
            for (OrderPayment payment : paymentsToInvalidate) {

            try {
      , false);
            } catch (PricingException e) {
                throw new RollbackFailureException("Unable to save the order with invalidated payments.");
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Related Classes of org.broadleafcommerce.core.workflow.state.RollbackFailureException

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