The main interface used to store extra-secure data such as credit card, bank accounts and gift card data. All entities that implement this interface should be stored in a completely separate database under strict PCI compliance. Broadleaf provides the ability for this in the blSecurePU persistence unit, which all implementing entities are members of.
Entities that implement this {@link Referenced} interface should not be instantiated directly but rather be instaniatedvia {@link SecureOrderPaymentService#create(org.broadleafcommerce.core.payment.service.type.PaymentType)}
In the common case, this is rarely used as most implementors will NOT want to deal with the liability and extra PCI requirements associated with storing sensitive payment data. Consider integrating with a payment provider that takes care of PCI-sensitive data instead.
@see {@link CreditCardPayment} @see {@link GiftCardPayment} @see {@link BankAccountPayment} @author Phillip Verheyden (phillipuniverse)