final int contextWingSize = Math.min((ref.getWindow().size() - 1) / 2, MIN_CONTEXT_WING_SIZE);
final int contextSize = contextWingSize * 2 + 1;
final int locus = ref.getLocus().getStart() + (ref.getLocus().getStop() - ref.getLocus().getStart()) / 2;
final ReadBackedPileup pileup = context.getBasePileup();
// Compute all haplotypes consistent with the current read pileup
final List<Haplotype> haplotypes = computeHaplotypes(pileup, contextSize, locus, vc);
final MathUtils.RunningAverage scoreRA = new MathUtils.RunningAverage();
if (haplotypes != null) {
for (final Genotype genotype : vc.getGenotypes()) {
final AlignmentContext thisContext = stratifiedContexts.get(genotype.getSampleName());
if (thisContext != null) {
final ReadBackedPileup thisPileup = thisContext.getBasePileup();
scoreRA.add(scoreReadsAgainstHaplotypes(haplotypes, thisPileup, contextSize, locus)); // Taking the simple average of all sample's score since the score can be negative and the RMS doesn't make sense