genotypeCount = this.alleleFirstGenotypeOffsetByPloidy[ploidy][alleleCount];
if (genotypeCount == GenotypeLikelihoodCalculators.GENOTYPE_COUNT_OVERFLOW)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("the combination of ploidy (%s) and number of alleles (%s) results in a very large number of genotypes (> %s). You need to limit ploidy or the number of alternative alleles to analyze this locus",
alleleHeap = new IntMaxHeap(ploidy);
readLikelihoodsByGenotypeIndex = new double[genotypeCount][];
log10 = ploidyLog10;
// The number of possible components is limited by distinct allele count and ploidy.
maximumDistinctAllelesInGenotype = Math.min(ploidy, alleleCount);
genotypeAllelesAndCounts = new int[maximumDistinctAllelesInGenotype << 1];