// within the CMS signed data
final CMSProcessable sp = s.getSignedContent();
final byte content[] = (byte[])sp.getContent();
final CMSEnvelopedData ed = new CMSEnvelopedData(content);
final RecipientInformationStore recipients = ed.getRecipientInfos();
final RecipientInformation recipient;
final Collection<?> c = recipients.getRecipients();
if ( c.size() != 1 ) {
StressTest.this.performanceTest.getLog().error("recipients should be 1: "+c.size());
return false;
final Iterator<?> it = c.iterator();
recipient = (RecipientInformation) it.next();
final byte decBytes[] = recipient.getContent(StressTest.this.keyPair.getPrivate(), "BC");
// This is yet another CMS signed data
final CMSSignedData sd = new CMSSignedData(decBytes);
// Get certificates from the signed data
final CertStore certstore = sd.getCertificatesAndCRLs("Collection","BC");
if (crlRep) {