IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
Map<String,Object> attribs = new HashMap<String,Object>();
attribs.put(IMarker.MESSAGE, location.message.trim());
MarkerData md = null;
if (dsError.className != null) {
if (dsError.methodName != null && dsError.methodSignature != null) {
md = createMethodMarkerData(javaProject, dsError.className, dsError.methodName, dsError.methodSignature, attribs, false);
if (md == null) {
md = createTypeMarkerData(javaProject, dsError.className, attribs, false);
if (md == null) {
// No other marker could be created, so add a marker to the bnd file
result.add(new MarkerData(getDefaultResource(project), attribs, false));
return result;