* @param monitor
protected BndEditModel generateBndModel(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
ProjectPaths bndPaths = ProjectPaths.get(ProjectLayout.BND);
BndEditModel model = super.generateBndModel(monitor);
ProjectPaths projectPaths = ProjectPaths.get(pageOne.getProjectLayout());
IProjectTemplate template = templatePage.getTemplate();
if (template != null) {
String name = pageTwo.getJavaProject().getProject().getName();
template.modifyInitialBndModel(model, name, projectPaths);
try {
Map<String,String> sourceOutputLocations = JavaProjectUtils.getSourceOutputLocations(pageTwo.getJavaProject());
if (sourceOutputLocations != null) {
int nr = 1;
for (Map.Entry<String,String> entry : sourceOutputLocations.entrySet()) {
String src = entry.getKey();
String bin = entry.getValue();
if (nr == 1) {
if (!bndPaths.getSrc().equals(src)) {
model.genericSet(Constants.DEFAULT_PROP_SRC_DIR, src);
if (!bndPaths.getBin().equals(bin)) {
model.genericSet(Constants.DEFAULT_PROP_BIN_DIR, bin);
nr = 2;
} else if (nr == 2) {
if (!bndPaths.getTestSrc().equals(src)) {
model.genericSet(Constants.DEFAULT_PROP_TESTSRC_DIR, src);
if (!bndPaths.getTestBin().equals(bin)) {
model.genericSet(Constants.DEFAULT_PROP_TESTBIN_DIR, bin);
nr = 2;
} else {
// if for some crazy reason we end up with more than 2 paths, we log them in
// extension properties (we cannot write comments) but this should never happen
// anyway since the second page will not complete if there are not exactly 2 paths
// so this could only happen if someone adds another page (that changes them again)
model.genericSet("X-WARN-" + nr, "Ignoring source path " + src + " -> " + bin);
String projectTargetDir = projectPaths.getTargetDir();
if (!bndPaths.getTargetDir().equals(projectTargetDir)) {
model.genericSet(Constants.DEFAULT_PROP_TARGET_DIR, projectTargetDir);
if (ProjectLayout.MAVEN == projectPaths.getLayout()) {
model.genericSet(Constants.OUTPUTMASK, "${@bsn}-${version;===S;${@version}}.jar");
} catch (Exception e) {
ErrorDialog.openError(getShell(), "Error", "", new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Plugin.PLUGIN_ID, 0, MessageFormat.format("Error setting paths in Bnd project descriptor file ({0}).", Project.BNDFILE), e));