) to be replaced with arbitrary content. Tag handlers are often used to cause the browser to make requests to a {@link ContentPlugin}, using the {@link ContentPlugin#getContentPathParser} and {@link ContentPathParser#createRequest} methods to help generate valid content paths. Similar to{@link ContentPlugin} instances, tag-handler plug-ins should be deterministic, in that they generate the same content each time they are run.
Although tag-handler plug-ins are designed to be usable both dynamically, and as part of a build (for flat-file export), a provision for generating different content in development and production is provided, for cases where things need to be done in a more efficient manner in production, and in a more dev-friendly manner in development. Developers that choose to exploit this facility should take care to ensure there is no chance of bugs being found in production, that can't also be observed in development; a core tenet of BladeRunnerJS.
The following methods are identifier-methods, and may be invoked before {@link Plugin#setBRJS Plugin.setBRJS()}has been invoked: