This exception is thrown by the xml reader and xml writer classes.
Created: Feb 22, 2003 Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003 Assumptions: none Requires: nothing Required by: org.bifrost.xmlio.* Revision History:
public void setAttribute(PropertyMap pmap, Object object, Method method, Object value) throws XmlException { if (object == null) throw new XmlException("Must pass an object whose attribute will be set."); Class paramClass = null; String paramClassName = null; Class[] paramTypes = null; if (method != null)
result = method.invoke(instance, values); } catch (Exception e) { logger.fine("Cannot print value: " + e); throw new XmlException("Cannot print value for type " + value.getClass().getName() + ", " + e); } if (result == null) return ""; return result.toString();
if (io == null)"Cannot find " + filename + " configuration file."); } } if (io == null) throw new XmlException(); instance.logger.config("Reading " + filename); load(io); logger.config("Initial configuration read from " + filename); } // end load()
} // end load() public void load(InputStream io) throws XmlException { if (io == null) throw new XmlException(); XmlReader reader = new XmlReader(io, "org.bifrost.xmlio.config"); XmlIOConfig conf = (XmlIOConfig)reader.getRootObject(); copyFrom(conf); } // end load()