* {@inheritDoc}
public Status layout(final AreaNode areaNode,
final GraftingPoint graftingPoint) throws AreaTreeException {
final Fo foNode = getFONode();
if (getProgress() == FONodePL.START) {
Status status = Status.OK;
AncestralNormalInlineArea inlineArea = null;
for (int i = getProgress(); i < foNode.getChildCount(); i++) {
final Fo fo = foNode.getChildAt(i);
final FONodePL layoutProxy = getLayoutProxy(fo);
if (fo.isBlockLevelFo()) {
/* Remove the inline factory so that we know that we need to
* create a new one if there is any subsequent inline
* content.*/
inlineArea = null;
/* Since this is block content, it cannot be laid out in a