} else {
AtmosphereRequest r = createAtmosphereRequest(ctx, request);
WebSocket webSocket = new NettyWebSocket(ctx.getChannel(), framework.getAtmosphereConfig());
if (request.headers().contains("X-wakeUpNIO")) {
* https://github.com/AsyncHttpClient/async-http-client/issues/471
* Netty 3.9.x has an issue and is unable to detect the websocket frame that will be produced if an AtmosphereInterceptor
* like the JavaScriptProtocol write bytes just after the handshake's header. The effect is the message is lost when Netty decode the Handshake
* request. This can be easily reproduced when wAsync is used with NettoSphere as server. For example, the following message
T -> [AP]
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols.
Upgrade: websocket.
Connection: Upgrade.
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: mFFTAW8KVZebToQFZZcFVWmJh8Y=.
T -> [AP]
can be lost because the Netty's Decoder fail to realize the handshake contained a response's body. The error doesn't occurs all the time but under
load happens more easily.
// Wake up the remote NIO Selector so Netty don't read the hanshake and the first message in a single read.
for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
webSocket.write(" ");
webSocketProcessor.open(webSocket, r, AtmosphereResponse.newInstance(framework.getAtmosphereConfig(), r, webSocket));