if (instanceType != null) {
decodedObjects = matchDecoder(e, instanceType, decoders, decodedObjects);
for (FunctionWrapper wrapper : functions) {
Function f = wrapper.function();
Class<?>[] typeArguments = TypeResolver.resolveArguments(f.getClass(), Function.class);
if (typeArguments == null) {
logger.trace("Lambda function should not be used. Inferring type as String.class");
typeArguments = new Class[]{String.class};
if (typeArguments.length > 0 && instanceType != null) {
boolean b = false;
if (decodedObjects.isEmpty()) {
implementedType = instanceType.getClass();
b = matchFunction(instanceType, typeArguments, implementedType, resolver, originalMessage, functionName, wrapper, f);
} else {
for (Object o : decodedObjects) {
if (!Decoder.Decoded.class.isAssignableFrom(o.getClass())) {
b = matchFunction(o, typeArguments, o.getClass(), resolver, originalMessage, functionName, wrapper, f);
if (b) hasMatch = true;
if (!hasMatch && !e.equals(Event.MESSAGE)) {
// Since we have no match, most probably because a decoder isn't matching a function or the Event's type, try
// to match Event type directly with a String.
// This can happens if a decoder is not behaving properly.
// instanceType != null because a ReplayDecoder may have interrupted
for (FunctionWrapper wrapper : functions) {
Function f = wrapper.function();
if (wrapper.functionName().equalsIgnoreCase(functionName)) {
hasMatch = true;
logger.trace("{} .on {}", functionName, instanceType);
return hasMatch;