// An "own" constraint, due to JustIce's new definition of what "subroutine" means.
if (i instanceof JsrInstruction){
InstructionHandle target = ((JsrInstruction) i).getTarget();
if (target == instructionList.getStart()){
throw new StaticCodeInstructionOperandConstraintException("Due to JustIce's clear definition of subroutines, no JSR or JSR_W may have a top-level instruction (such as the very first instruction, which is targeted by instruction '"+ih+"' as its target.");
if (!(target.getInstruction() instanceof ASTORE)){
throw new StaticCodeInstructionOperandConstraintException("Due to JustIce's clear definition of subroutines, no JSR or JSR_W may target anything else than an ASTORE instruction. Instruction '"+ih+"' targets '"+target+"'.");
// vmspec2, page 134-137