@Ignore("Test is ignored because currently it is not possible to register two block extensions in same instance. This may require deep changes on Asciidoctor Extensions API")
public void extensions_should_be_correctly_added() throws IOException {
Asciidoctor asciidoctor = JRubyAsciidoctor.create();
//To avoid registering the same extension over and over for all tests, service is instantiated manually.
new ArrowsAndBoxesExtension().register(asciidoctor);
Options options = options().inPlace(false)
.toFile(new File(testFolder.getRoot(), "rendersample.html"))
asciidoctor.renderFile(new File(
"target/test-classes/arrows-and-boxes-example.ad"), options);
File renderedFile = new File(testFolder.getRoot(), "rendersample.html");
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(renderedFile, "UTF-8");