quorumPeer.follower = new MyFollower(quorumPeer, fzks);
LOG.info("Follower created");
// Simulate a socket channel between a client and a follower
final SocketChannel socketChannel = createClientSocketChannel();
// Create the NIOServerCnxn that will handle the client requests
final MockNIOServerCnxn nioCnxn = new MockNIOServerCnxn(fzks,
socketChannel, sk, serverCnxnFactory, selectorThread);
// Send the connection request as a client do
LOG.info("Client connection sent");
// Send the valid or invalid session packet to the follower
QuorumPacket qp = createValidateSessionPacketResponse(!sessionTimedout);
LOG.info("Session validation sent");
// OK, now the follower knows that the session is valid or invalid, let's try
// to send the watches
// wait for the the request processor to do his job
LOG.info("Watches processed");
// If session has not been validated, there must be NO watches
int watchCount = database.getDataTree().getWatchCount();