// If no endpoint config policy is defined, this info will
// have to be retrieved from the orb properties.
EndpointConfigurationPolicy endpointPolicy = null;
// We are only concerned with the endpoint config policy
// here; other policies will be passed on to the POAManager_impl
// constructor.
java.util.Vector tmpPolicyVector = new java.util.Vector();
int nTmpPolicies = 0;
int nPolicies = policies.length;
if (nPolicies != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < nPolicies; ++i) {
int policyType = policies[i].policy_type();
endpointPolicy = EndpointConfigurationPolicyHelper
} else {
org.omg.CORBA.Policy[] tmpPolicies = new org.omg.CORBA.Policy[tmpPolicyVector
AcceptorConfig[] config;
if (endpointPolicy == null) {
// Get the endpoint configuration
String rootStr = null;
String paramStr = null;
if (id.equals("RootPOAManager"))
rootStr = props.getProperty("yoko.orb.oa.endpoint");
String propName = "yoko.orb.poamanager." + id + ".endpoint";
paramStr = props.getProperty(propName);
if (paramStr == null && rootStr == null)
paramStr = "iiop";
else if (paramStr == null)
paramStr = rootStr;
config = parseEndpointString(paramStr);
else {
// Create acceptors based on the endpoint config policy
config = endpointPolicy.value();
org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.AccFactoryRegistry registry = orbInstance_