// so that's what the appendBtoFList stuff is all about. In cases
// of forward counting by one, this will mean a single node copy from
// the backwards list (m_newFound) to the forwards list (counter.m_countNodes).
count = 0;
if (m_newFound == null)
m_newFound = new NodeSetDTM(support.getDTMManager());
for (; DTM.NULL != target;
target = numberElem.getPreviousNode(support, target))
// First time in, we should not have to check for previous counts,
// since the original target node was already checked in the
// block above.
if (0 != count)
for (int i = 0; i < nCounters; i++)
Counter counter = (Counter) counters.elementAt(i);
int cacheLen = counter.m_countNodes.size();
if ((cacheLen > 0)
&& (counter.m_countNodes.elementAt(cacheLen
- 1) == target))
count += (cacheLen + counter.m_countNodesStartCount);
if (cacheLen > 0)
appendBtoFList(counter.m_countNodes, m_newFound);
return count;
// If we got to this point, then we didn't find a counter, so make
// one and add it to the list.
Counter counter = new Counter(numberElem, new NodeSetDTM(support.getDTMManager()));
m_countersMade++; // for diagnostics
appendBtoFList(counter.m_countNodes, m_newFound);