loadAttributes(schema, description);
// Only process when a schema was successfully found
if( schema != null )
ComplexPropertyContainer container = schema.getContainer();
PropertyType type = checkPropertyDefinition(xmp,
new QName(attr.getNamespaceURI(), attr.getLocalName()));
//Default to text if no type is found
if( type == null)
type = TypeMapping.createPropertyType(Types.Text, Cardinality.Simple);
AbstractSimpleProperty sp = tm.instanciateSimpleProperty(namespace, schema.getPrefix(),
attr.getLocalName(), attr.getValue(), type.type());
catch( IllegalArgumentException exception)
//Swallow, and continue adding additional properties
LOG.warn("Unable to add property: "+ attr.getLocalName() + " value: "+attr.getValue(),exception);
// parse children elements as properties
for (Element property : properties)
String namespace = property.getNamespaceURI();
PropertyType type = checkPropertyDefinition(xmp, DomHelper.getQName(property));
// create the container
if (!tm.isDefinedSchema(namespace))
throw new XmpParsingException(ErrorType.NoSchema,
"This namespace is not a schema or a structured type : " + namespace);
XMPSchema schema = xmp.getSchema(namespace);
if (schema == null)
schema = tm.getSchemaFactory(namespace).createXMPSchema(xmp, property.getPrefix());
loadAttributes(schema, description);
ComplexPropertyContainer container = schema.getContainer();
// create property
createProperty(xmp, property, type, container);
catch (XmpSchemaException e)