Package org.apache.xmlbeans

Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaLocalAttribute

//                        <restriction base="soapenc:Array">
//                            <attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="xsd:string[]"/>
//                        </restriction>
//                    </complexContent>
//                </complexType>
                SchemaLocalAttribute arrayTypeAttribute =  schemaType.getAttributeModel().getAttribute(new QName(SOAP_ENCODING_NS, "arrayType"));
                if (arrayTypeAttribute != null) {
                    SchemaWSDLArrayType wsdlArrayType = (SchemaWSDLArrayType) arrayTypeAttribute;
                    SOAPArrayType soapArrayType = wsdlArrayType.getWSDLArrayType();
                    if (soapArrayType != null) {
                        componentType = soapArrayType.getQName();
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        Map attNameToType = new HashMap();
        if (null != schemaType.getAttributeModel()) {
            SchemaLocalAttribute[] attributes = schemaType.getAttributeModel().getAttributes();
            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
                SchemaLocalAttribute attribute = attributes[i];
                Object old = attNameToType.put(attribute.getName().getLocalPart(), attribute);
                if (old != null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("Complain to your expert group member, spec does not support attributes with the same local name and differing namespaces: original: " + old + ", duplicate local name: " + attribute);
        VariableMappingType[] variableMappings = javaXmlTypeMapping.getVariableMappingArray();

        // short-circuit the processing of arrays as they should not define variable-mapping elements.
        if (javaClass.isArray()) {
            if (0 != variableMappings.length) {
                // for portability reason we simply warn and not fail.
                log.warn("Ignoring variable-mapping defined for class " + javaClass + " which is an array.");
            typeInfo.setFields(new FieldDesc[0]);

        FieldDesc[] fields = new FieldDesc[variableMappings.length];

        PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = new PropertyDescriptor[0];
        try {
            propertyDescriptors = Introspector.getBeanInfo(javaClass).getPropertyDescriptors();
        } catch (IntrospectionException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Class " + javaClass + " is not a valid javabean", e);
        Map properties = new HashMap();
        for (int i = 0; i < propertyDescriptors.length; i++) {
            PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptors[i];
            properties.put(propertyDescriptor.getName(), propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType());
        for (int i = 0; i < variableMappings.length; i++) {
            VariableMappingType variableMapping = variableMappings[i];
            String fieldName = variableMapping.getJavaVariableName().getStringValue().trim();

            if (variableMapping.isSetXmlAttributeName()) {
                AttributeDesc attributeDesc = new AttributeDesc();
                Class javaType = (Class) properties.get(fieldName);
                if (javaType == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("field name " + fieldName + " not found in " + properties);
                String attributeLocalName = variableMapping.getXmlAttributeName().getStringValue().trim();
                QName xmlName = new QName("", attributeLocalName);

                SchemaLocalAttribute attribute = (SchemaLocalAttribute) attNameToType.get(attributeLocalName);
                if (null == attribute) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("attribute " + xmlName + " not found in schema " + schemaType.getName());

                fields[i] = attributeDesc;
            } else {
                ElementDesc elementDesc = new ElementDesc();
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//                        <restriction base="soapenc:Array">
//                            <attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="xsd:string[]"/>
//                        </restriction>
//                    </complexContent>
//                </complexType>
                SchemaLocalAttribute arrayTypeAttribute =  schemaType.getAttributeModel().getAttribute(new QName(SOAP_ENCODING_NS, "arrayType"));
                if (arrayTypeAttribute != null) {
                    SchemaWSDLArrayType wsdlArrayType = (SchemaWSDLArrayType) arrayTypeAttribute;
                    SOAPArrayType soapArrayType = wsdlArrayType.getWSDLArrayType();
                    if (soapArrayType != null) {
                        componentType = soapArrayType.getQName();
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        Map attNameToType = new HashMap();
        if (null != schemaType.getAttributeModel()) {
            SchemaLocalAttribute[] attributes = schemaType.getAttributeModel().getAttributes();
            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
                SchemaLocalAttribute attribute = attributes[i];
                Object old = attNameToType.put(attribute.getName().getLocalPart(), attribute);
                if (old != null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("Complain to your expert group member, spec does not support attributes with the same local name and differing namespaces: original: " + old + ", duplicate local name: " + attribute);
        VariableMappingType[] variableMappings = javaXmlTypeMapping.getVariableMappingArray();

        // short-circuit the processing of arrays as they should not define variable-mapping elements.
        if (javaClass.isArray()) {
            if (0 != variableMappings.length) {
                // for portability reason we simply warn and not fail.
                log.warn("Ignoring variable-mapping defined for class " + javaClass + " which is an array.");
            typeInfo.setFields(new FieldDesc[0]);

        FieldDesc[] fields = new FieldDesc[variableMappings.length];

        PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = new PropertyDescriptor[0];
        try {
            propertyDescriptors = Introspector.getBeanInfo(javaClass).getPropertyDescriptors();
        } catch (IntrospectionException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Class " + javaClass + " is not a valid javabean", e);
        Map properties = new HashMap();
        for (int i = 0; i < propertyDescriptors.length; i++) {
            PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptors[i];
            properties.put(propertyDescriptor.getName(), propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType());
        for (int i = 0; i < variableMappings.length; i++) {
            VariableMappingType variableMapping = variableMappings[i];
            String fieldName = variableMapping.getJavaVariableName().getStringValue().trim();

            if (variableMapping.isSetXmlAttributeName()) {
                AttributeDesc attributeDesc = new AttributeDesc();
                Class javaType = (Class) properties.get(fieldName);
                if (javaType == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("field name " + fieldName + " not found in " + properties);
                String attributeLocalName = variableMapping.getXmlAttributeName().getStringValue().trim();
                QName xmlName = new QName("", attributeLocalName);

                SchemaLocalAttribute attribute = (SchemaLocalAttribute) attNameToType.get(attributeLocalName);
                if (null == attribute) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("attribute " + xmlName + " not found in schema " + schemaType.getName());

                fields[i] = attributeDesc;
            } else {
                ElementDesc elementDesc = new ElementDesc();
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                case ATTRIBUTE_CODE:
                    Attribute xsdattr = (Attribute)cur.getObject();

                    SchemaLocalAttribute sAttr = StscTranslator.translateAttribute(xsdattr, targetNamespace, formDefault, chameleon, anonymousTypes, outerType, baseModel, true);
                    if (sAttr == null)

                    if (seenAttributes.contains(sAttr.getName()))
                            new Object[] { QNameHelper.pretty(sAttr.getName()), QNameHelper.pretty(outerType.getName()) },
                        continue; // ignore the duplicate attr


                    if (baseModel != null)
                        SchemaLocalAttribute baseAttr = baseModel.getAttribute(sAttr.getName());
                        if (baseAttr == null)
                            if (!extension)
                                if (!baseModel.getWildcardSet().contains(sAttr.getName()))
                                        new Object[] { QNameHelper.pretty(sAttr.getName()), QNameHelper.pretty(outerType.getName()) }, xsdattr);
                            if (extension)
                                // KHK: cos-ct-extends.1.2?
                                if (sAttr.getUse() == SchemaLocalAttribute.PROHIBITED)
                                    state.error("An extension cannot prohibit an attribute from the base type; use restriction instead.", XmlErrorCodes.DUPLICATE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, xsdattr.xgetUse());
                                if (sAttr.getUse() != SchemaLocalAttribute.REQUIRED)
                                    if (baseAttr.getUse() == SchemaLocalAttribute.REQUIRED)
                                            new Object[] { QNameHelper.pretty(sAttr.getName()), QNameHelper.pretty(outerType.getName()) }, xsdattr);

                                    if (sAttr.getUse() == SchemaLocalAttribute.PROHIBITED)
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//                        <restriction base="soapenc:Array">
//                            <attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="xsd:string[]"/>
//                        </restriction>
//                    </complexContent>
//                </complexType>
                SchemaLocalAttribute arrayTypeAttribute =  schemaType.getAttributeModel().getAttribute(new QName(SOAP_ENCODING_NS, "arrayType"));
                if (arrayTypeAttribute != null) {
                    SchemaWSDLArrayType wsdlArrayType = (SchemaWSDLArrayType) arrayTypeAttribute;
                    SOAPArrayType soapArrayType = wsdlArrayType.getWSDLArrayType();
                    if (soapArrayType != null) {
                        componentType = soapArrayType.getQName();
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        Map attNameToType = new HashMap();
        if (null != schemaType.getAttributeModel()) {
            SchemaLocalAttribute[] attributes = schemaType.getAttributeModel().getAttributes();
            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
                SchemaLocalAttribute attribute = attributes[i];
                Object old = attNameToType.put(attribute.getName().getLocalPart(), attribute);
                if (old != null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("Complain to your expert group member, spec does not support attributes with the same local name and differing namespaces: original: " + old + ", duplicate local name: " + attribute);
        VariableMappingType[] variableMappings = javaXmlTypeMapping.getVariableMappingArray();

        // short-circuit the processing of arrays as they should not define variable-mapping elements.
        if (javaClass.isArray()) {
            if (0 != variableMappings.length) {
                // for portability reason we simply warn and not fail.
                log.warn("Ignoring variable-mapping defined for class " + javaClass + " which is an array.");
            typeInfo.setFields(new FieldDesc[0]);

        FieldDesc[] fields = new FieldDesc[variableMappings.length];

        PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = new PropertyDescriptor[0];
        try {
            propertyDescriptors = Introspector.getBeanInfo(javaClass).getPropertyDescriptors();
        } catch (IntrospectionException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Class " + javaClass + " is not a valid javabean", e);
        Map properties = new HashMap();
        for (int i = 0; i < propertyDescriptors.length; i++) {
            PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptors[i];
            properties.put(propertyDescriptor.getName(), propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType());
        for (int i = 0; i < variableMappings.length; i++) {
            VariableMappingType variableMapping = variableMappings[i];
            String fieldName = variableMapping.getJavaVariableName().getStringValue().trim();

            if (variableMapping.isSetXmlAttributeName()) {
                AttributeDesc attributeDesc = new AttributeDesc();
                Class javaType = (Class) properties.get(fieldName);
                if (javaType == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("field name " + fieldName + " not found in " + properties);
                String attributeLocalName = variableMapping.getXmlAttributeName().getStringValue().trim();
                QName xmlName = new QName("", attributeLocalName);

                SchemaLocalAttribute attribute = (SchemaLocalAttribute) attNameToType.get(attributeLocalName);
                if (null == attribute) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("attribute " + xmlName + " not found in schema " + schemaType.getName());

                fields[i] = attributeDesc;
            } else {
                ElementDesc elementDesc = new ElementDesc();
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//                        <restriction base="soapenc:Array">
//                            <attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="xsd:string[]"/>
//                        </restriction>
//                    </complexContent>
//                </complexType>
                SchemaLocalAttribute arrayTypeAttribute =  schemaType.getAttributeModel().getAttribute(new QName(SOAP_ENCODING_NS, "arrayType"));
                if (arrayTypeAttribute != null) {
                    SchemaWSDLArrayType wsdlArrayType = (SchemaWSDLArrayType) arrayTypeAttribute;
                    SOAPArrayType soapArrayType = wsdlArrayType.getWSDLArrayType();
                    if (soapArrayType != null) {
                        componentType = soapArrayType.getQName();
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        Map attNameToType = new HashMap();
        if (null != schemaType.getAttributeModel()) {
            SchemaLocalAttribute[] attributes = schemaType.getAttributeModel().getAttributes();
            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
                SchemaLocalAttribute attribute = attributes[i];
                Object old = attNameToType.put(attribute.getName().getLocalPart(), attribute);
                if (old != null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("Complain to your expert group member, spec does not support attributes with the same local name and differing namespaces: original: " + old + ", duplicate local name: " + attribute);
        List<VariableMapping> variableMappings = javaXmlTypeMapping.getVariableMapping();

        // short-circuit the processing of arrays as they should not define variable-mapping elements.
        if (javaClass.isArray()) {
            if (!variableMappings.isEmpty()) {
                // for portability reason we simply warn and not fail.
                log.warn("Ignoring variable-mapping defined for class " + javaClass + " which is an array.");
            typeInfo.setFields(new FieldDesc[0]);

        FieldDesc[] fields = new FieldDesc[variableMappings.size()];

        PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = new PropertyDescriptor[0];
        try {
            propertyDescriptors = Introspector.getBeanInfo(javaClass).getPropertyDescriptors();
        } catch (IntrospectionException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Class " + javaClass + " is not a valid javabean", e);
        Map properties = new HashMap();
        for (int i = 0; i < propertyDescriptors.length; i++) {
            PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptors[i];
            properties.put(propertyDescriptor.getName(), propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType());
        int i = 0;
        for (VariableMapping variableMapping: variableMappings) {
            String fieldName = variableMapping.getJavaVariableName();

            if (variableMapping.getXmlAttributeName() != null) {
                AttributeDesc attributeDesc = new AttributeDesc();
                Class javaType = (Class) properties.get(fieldName);
                if (javaType == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("field name " + fieldName + " not found in " + properties);
                String attributeLocalName = variableMapping.getXmlAttributeName();
                QName xmlName = new QName("", attributeLocalName);

                SchemaLocalAttribute attribute = (SchemaLocalAttribute) attNameToType.get(attributeLocalName);
                if (null == attribute) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("attribute " + xmlName + " not found in schema " + schemaType.getName());

                fields[i++] = attributeDesc;
            } else {
                ElementDesc elementDesc = new ElementDesc();
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        SchemaType sType = schemaType();
        SchemaAttributeModel aModel = sType.getAttributeModel();
        if (aModel == null)
            return null;
        SchemaLocalAttribute sAttr = aModel.getAttribute(name);
        if (sAttr == null)
            return null;
        return sAttr.getDefaultValue();
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Related Classes of org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaLocalAttribute

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