Package org.apache.xalan.xpath

Examples of org.apache.xalan.xpath.NodeListImpl

            // Look to see if we already have row indexed by
            // the node value, which is one of the nodes found via
            // the use attribute of xsl:key.  If there's not a row,
            // create one.
            NodeListImpl keyNodes;
              Object nodeListObj = namedKeyTable.get(exprResult);
              if(null == nodeListObj)
                keyNodes = new NodeListImpl();
                namedKeyTable.put(exprResult, keyNodes);
                keyNodes = (NodeListImpl)nodeListObj;
            // See if the matched node is already in the
            // table set.  If it is there, we're done, otherwise
            // add it.
            boolean foundit = false;
            int nKeyNodes = keyNodes.size();
            for(int j = 0; j < nKeyNodes; j++)
              if(testNode == keyNodes.item(j))
                foundit = true;
            } // end for j
          } // end for(int k = 0; k < nUseValues; k++)
        } // end for(int i = 0; i < nDeclarations; i++)

    catch(ClassCastException cce)
      Node pos = startNode;

      // Do a non-recursive pre-walk over the tree.
      while(null != pos)
        int nDeclarations = keyDeclarations.size();
        // We're going to have to walk the attribute list
        // if it's an element, so get the attributes.
        NamedNodeMap attrs = null;
        int nNodes;
        if(Node.ELEMENT_NODE == pos.getNodeType())
          attrs = ((Element)pos).getAttributes();
          nNodes = attrs.getLength();
          if(0 == nNodes)
            attrs = null;
          nNodes = 0;
        // Walk the primary node, and each of the attributes.
        // This loop is a little strange... it is meant to always
        // execute once, then execute for each of the attributes.
        Node testNode = pos;
        for(int nodeIndex = -1; nodeIndex < nNodes;)
          // Walk through each of the declarations made with xsl:key
          for(int i = 0; i < nDeclarations; i++)
            KeyDeclaration kd = (KeyDeclaration)keyDeclarations.elementAt(i);
            // See if our node matches the given key declaration according to
            // the match attribute on xsl:key.
            double score = kd.m_match.getMatchScore(execContext, testNode);
            if(score == kd.m_match.MATCH_SCORE_NONE)

            // Query from the node, according the the select pattern in the
            // use attribute in xsl:key.
            XObject xuse = kd.m_use.execute(execContext, testNode, nscontext);

            NodeList nl = xuse.nodeset();
            if(0 == nl.getLength())
            // Use each node in the node list as a key value that we'll be
            // able to use to look up the given node.
            int nUseValues = nl.getLength();
            for(int k = 0; k < nUseValues; k++)
              Node useNode = nl.item(k);
              // Use getExpr to get the string value of the given node. I hope
              // the string assumption is the right thing... I can't see how
              // it could work any other way.
              String exprResult = xmlLiaison.getNodeData(useNode);
              if(null == exprResult)
              // Look to see if there's already a table indexed by the
              // name attribute on xsl:key.  If there's not, create one.
              Hashtable namedKeyTable;
                Object keyTableObj = m_keys.get(kd.m_name);
                if(null == keyTableObj)
                  namedKeyTable = new Hashtable();
                  m_keys.put(kd.m_name, namedKeyTable);
                  namedKeyTable = (Hashtable)keyTableObj;
              // Look to see if we already have row indexed by
              // the node value, which is one of the nodes found via
              // the use attribute of xsl:key.  If there's not a row,
              // create one.
              NodeListImpl keyNodes;
                Object nodeListObj = namedKeyTable.get(exprResult);
                if(null == nodeListObj)
                  keyNodes = new NodeListImpl();
                  namedKeyTable.put(exprResult, keyNodes);
                  keyNodes = (NodeListImpl)nodeListObj;
              // See if the matched node is already in the
              // table set.  If it is there, we're done, otherwise
              // add it.
              boolean foundit = false;
              int nKeyNodes = keyNodes.size();
              for(int j = 0; j < nKeyNodes; j++)
                if(testNode == keyNodes.item(j))
                  foundit = true;
              } // end for j
            } // end for(int k = 0; k < nUseValues; k++)
          } // end for(int i = 0; i < nDeclarations; i++)
          if(null != attrs)
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        nl = (NodeList)keyNodes;
        nl = new NodeListImpl();
    return nl;
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            // Look to see if we already have row indexed by
            // the node value, which is one of the nodes found via
            // the use attribute of xsl:key.  If there's not a row,
            // create one.
            NodeListImpl keyNodes;
              Object nodeListObj = namedKeyTable.get(exprResult);
              if(null == nodeListObj)
                keyNodes = new NodeListImpl();
                namedKeyTable.put(exprResult, keyNodes);
                keyNodes = (NodeListImpl)nodeListObj;
            // See if the matched node is already in the
            // table set.  If it is there, we're done, otherwise
            // add it.
            boolean foundit = false;
            int nKeyNodes = keyNodes.size();
            for(int j = 0; j < nKeyNodes; j++)
              if(testNode == keyNodes.item(j))
                foundit = true;
            } // end for j
          } // end for(int k = 0; k < nUseValues; k++)
          kd.m_buildState = KeyDeclaration.BUILT;
        } // end for(int i = 0; i < nDeclarations; i++)
        // Need to break out of main loop?
        if (breakout)

    catch(ClassCastException cce)
      Node pos = startNode;

      // Do a non-recursive pre-walk over the tree.
      while(null != pos)
        int nDeclarations = keyDeclarations.size();
        // We're going to have to walk the attribute list
        // if it's an element, so get the attributes.
        NamedNodeMap attrs = null;
        int nNodes;
        if(Node.ELEMENT_NODE == pos.getNodeType())
          attrs = ((Element)pos).getAttributes();
          nNodes = attrs.getLength();
          if(0 == nNodes)
            attrs = null;
          nNodes = 0;
        // Walk the primary node, and each of the attributes.
        // This loop is a little strange... it is meant to always
        // execute once, then execute for each of the attributes.
        Node testNode = pos;
        for(int nodeIndex = -1; nodeIndex < nNodes;)
          // Walk through each of the declarations made with xsl:key
          for(int i = 0; i < nDeclarations; i++)
            KeyDeclaration kd = (KeyDeclaration)keyDeclarations.elementAt(i);
            // We are currently processing this key declaration.
            // More than likely, the key function was called in the
            // xsl:key declaration using the same key name.
            if( kd.m_buildState == KeyDeclaration.BUILDING)
              // break;
            kd.m_buildState = KeyDeclaration.BUILDING;
            // See if our node matches the given key declaration according to
            // the match attribute on xsl:key.
            double score = kd.m_match.getMatchScore(execContext, testNode);
            if(score == kd.m_match.MATCH_SCORE_NONE)
              kd.m_buildState = KeyDeclaration.BUILT;
            // Query from the node, according the the select pattern in the
            // use attribute in xsl:key.
            XObject xuse = kd.m_use.execute(execContext, testNode, nscontext);

            NodeList nl = null;
            int nUseValues;
            String exprResult = null;
            if(xuse.getType() != xuse.CLASS_NODESET)
              nUseValues = 1;
              exprResult = xuse.str();
              nl = xuse.nodeset();
              if(0 == nl.getLength())
                kd.m_buildState = KeyDeclaration.BUILT;
              // Use each node in the node list as a key value that we'll be
              // able to use to look up the given node.
              nUseValues = nl.getLength();
            for(int k = 0; k < nUseValues; k++)
              if(null != nl)
                Node useNode = nl.item(k);
                exprResult = XMLParserLiaisonDefault.getNodeData(useNode);
              if(null == exprResult)
              // Look to see if there's already a table indexed by the
              // name attribute on xsl:key.  If there's not, create one.
              Hashtable namedKeyTable;
                Object keyTableObj = m_keys.get(kd.m_name);
                if(null == keyTableObj)
                  namedKeyTable = new Hashtable();
                  m_keys.put(kd.m_name, namedKeyTable);
                  namedKeyTable = (Hashtable)keyTableObj;
              // Look to see if we already have row indexed by
              // the node value, which is one of the nodes found via
              // the use attribute of xsl:key.  If there's not a row,
              // create one.
              NodeListImpl keyNodes;
                Object nodeListObj = namedKeyTable.get(exprResult);
                if(null == nodeListObj)
                  keyNodes = new NodeListImpl();
                  namedKeyTable.put(exprResult, keyNodes);
                  keyNodes = (NodeListImpl)nodeListObj;
              // See if the matched node is already in the
              // table set.  If it is there, we're done, otherwise
              // add it.
              boolean foundit = false;
              int nKeyNodes = keyNodes.size();
              for(int j = 0; j < nKeyNodes; j++)
                if(testNode == keyNodes.item(j))
                  foundit = true;
              } // end for j
            } // end for(int k = 0; k < nUseValues; k++)
            kd.m_buildState = KeyDeclaration.BUILT;
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        nl = (NodeList)keyNodes;
        nl = new NodeListImpl();
    return nl;
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Related Classes of org.apache.xalan.xpath.NodeListImpl

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