// set the coplet in the thread local variable to give other components access to
// the instance
// get the portlet key and the user
final PortletKey portletKey = (PortletKey)coplet.getTemporaryAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_PORTLET_KEY);
if ( portletKey == null ) {
throw new SAXException("WSRP configuration is missing: portlet key.");
final User user = (User)coplet.getTemporaryAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_USER);
if ( user == null ) {
throw new SAXException("WSRP configuration is missing: user.");
final String portletInstanceKey = (String)coplet.getTemporaryAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_PORTLET_INSTANCE_KEY);
// getMarkup()
final WSRPPortlet wsrpportlet = consumerEnvironment.getPortletRegistry().getPortlet(portletKey);
SimplePortletWindowSession windowSession = getSimplePortletWindowSession(wsrpportlet, portletInstanceKey, user);
final MarkupContext markupContext = this.getMarkupContext(wsrpportlet, windowSession, user);
if ( markupContext == null || markupContext.getMarkupString() == null ) {
throw new SAXException("No markup received from wsrp coplet " + coplet.getId());
final String content = markupContext.getMarkupString();
final Boolean usePipeline;
final boolean usesGet;
// If the portlet uses the method get we always have to rewrite form elements
final Producer producer = this.consumerEnvironment.getProducerRegistry().getProducer(portletKey.getProducerId());
final PortletDescription desc = producer.getPortletDescription(portletKey.getPortletHandle());
if ( desc.getUsesMethodGet() != null && desc.getUsesMethodGet().booleanValue() ) {
usePipeline = Boolean.TRUE;
usesGet = true;
} else {
usePipeline = (Boolean)this.getConfiguration(coplet, "use-pipeline", Boolean.FALSE);