"You need to call public void defineDescription(URL wsdlurl before this method)");
WSDLService service = findService(servicename);
AxisService serviceDesc = new AxisService();
WSDLEndpoint endpoint = findEndpoint(endpointname, service);
EndpointReference toepr = null;
Options op = new Options();
Iterator elements = endpoint.getExtensibilityElements().iterator();
while (elements.hasNext()) {
Object obj = elements.next();
if (obj instanceof SOAPAddress) {
SOAPAddress soapAddress = (SOAPAddress) obj;
toepr = new EndpointReference(soapAddress.getLocationURI());
if (toepr != null) {
} else {
throw new AxisFault("To Address not found");
WSDLBinding binding = endpoint.getBinding();
// let us configure the complete AxisService out of this, not the current the Operation only
Iterator bindings = binding.getBindingOperations().values().iterator();
while (bindings.hasNext()) {