
Examples of

        if ( rpDocXsdElem == null )
            throw new InvalidWsrfWsdlException(
                    "Unable to locate the ResourceProperties document element with QName " + rpDocElemName );
        QName type = getQualifiedAttribute( rpDocXsdElem, "type" );
        Element rpDocTypeElem;
        if ( type != null )
            if ( ! type.getNamespaceURI().equals( rpDocXsdElem.getSchemaElement().getAttribute( "targetNamespace" ) ) )
                throw new InvalidWsrfWsdlException(
                    "This tool currently does not support referencing a ResourceProperties complexType that is not in the current schema's targetNamespace." );
            rpDocTypeElem = getComplexTypeByName( rpDocXsdElem.getSchemaElement(), type.getLocalPart() );
            rpDocTypeElem =
                    (Element) rpDocXsdElem.getElement().getElementsByTagNameNS( XmlConstants.NSURI_SCHEMA_XSD,
                            "complexType" )
                    .item( 0 );
        if ( rpDocTypeElem == null )
            throw new InvalidWsrfWsdlException( "Unable to determine type of the ResourceProperties document element with QName " + rpDocElemName + " - expected either a type atribute or a nested anonymous complexType element." );
        Element sequenceElem = null;
        NodeList sequenceNodes = rpDocTypeElem.getElementsByTagNameNS( XmlConstants.NSURI_SCHEMA_XSD, "sequence" );
        if ( sequenceNodes != null )
            sequenceElem = (Element) sequenceNodes.item( 0 );
            sequenceNodes = rpDocTypeElem.getElementsByTagNameNS( XmlConstants.NSURI_SCHEMA_XSD, "all" );
            if ( sequenceNodes != null )
                sequenceElem = (Element) sequenceNodes.item( 0 );
        if ( sequenceElem == null )
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Resource property element definitions must be contained in an xsd:sequence or an xsd:all element." );
        NodeList propElems = sequenceElem.getElementsByTagNameNS( XmlConstants.NSURI_SCHEMA_XSD, "element" );
        for ( int j = 0; j < propElems.getLength(); j++ )
            Element propElem = (Element) propElems.item( j );
            QName propName = getQualifiedAttribute( new XsdElement( propElem, rpDocXsdElem.getSchemaElement() ), "ref" );
            if ( propName == null )
                throw new InvalidWsrfWsdlException( "All element defs within the resource property document def must have a 'ref' attribute that points at a global element def." );
            propNames.add( propName );
        return (QName[]) propNames.toArray( new QName[0] );
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                    schemaUrl = new URL( baseUrl, location );
                    schemaDoc = JaxpUtils.loadDocument( schemaUrl.openStream() );
                catch ( Exception e )
                    throw new InvalidWsrfWsdlException( "Failed to load schema at location " + location );
                xsdElementElem =
                        getXsdElementElementRecursively( schemaDoc.getDocumentElement(), xsdElemName, schemaUrl );
                if ( xsdElementElem != null )
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            propName = toQName( value, prefixResolver );
        catch ( PrefixResolutionException pre )
            throw new InvalidWsrfWsdlException( "Unable to resolve prefix '" + pre.getPrefix() + "' in xsd:element '" + attribName + "' attribute value." );
        catch ( InvalidValueException ive )
            throw new InvalidWsrfWsdlException( "Value for xsd:element 'ref' attribute must be qualified via a namespace prefix." );
        return propName;
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        if(binding != null)
            PortType portType = binding.getPortType();
            if(portType == null)
               throw new InvalidWsrfWsdlException("The binding has no portType associated with it!");
            return portType;
            throw new InvalidWsrfWsdlException("The port has no binding associated with it!");
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        if ( endpointURL == null )
            throw new InvalidWsrfWsdlException(
                    "Failed to obtain service endpoint URL from port " + m_port.getName() +
                    " service's wsdl:port/soap:address/@location attribute" );
        return endpointURL;
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        if ( !isValid )
            throw new InvalidWsrfWsdlException(
                    "PortType " + m_portType.getQName() +
                    " does not define one or more properties required by the portTypes it implements." );
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        if ( hasProperties() )
            if ( !m_implementedResourceDefs.containsKey( ) && !m_implementedResourceDefs.containsKey( ) )
                throw new InvalidWsrfWsdlException(
                        "PortType " + m_portType.getQName() +
                        " defines a wsrp:ResourceProperties attribute but does not implement the WSRF-RP GetResourceProperty portType." );
            Iterator resourceDefNames = m_implementedResourceDefs.keySet().iterator();
            while ( resourceDefNames.hasNext() )
                QName resourceDefName = (QName);
                if ( resourceDefName.getNamespaceURI().equals( ) ||
                     resourceDefName.getNamespaceURI().equals( ))
                    throw new InvalidWsrfWsdlException(
                        "PortType " + m_portType.getQName() +
                        " does not define a wsrp:ResourceProperties attribute but implements one or more WSRF-RP portTypes." );
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                    baseUrl = new URL(m_baseUrl, imports[i].getLocationURI());
                catch (MalformedURLException e)
                    throw new InvalidWsrfWsdlException("Invalid import location " + imports[i].getLocationURI());
                importedResourceDefs.add( new ResourceCapabilityImpl( def, portType, baseUrl) );
        return (ResourceCapability[]) importedResourceDefs.toArray( new ResourceCapability[0] );
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    private static PortType getResourcePortType( Service service ) throws InvalidWsrfWsdlException
        Map portTypes = WsdlUtils.getPortTypes( service );
        if ( portTypes.isEmpty() )
            throw new InvalidWsrfWsdlException(
                    "WSDL service " + service.getQName() +
                    " is not a valid service, as it does not contain any ports." );
        if ( portTypes.size() > 1 )
            throw new InvalidWsrfWsdlException(
                    "WSDL service " + service.getQName() +
                    " is not a valid WSRF service, as it contains more than one port." );
        return (PortType) portTypes.values().iterator().next();
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        if ( endpointURL == null )
            throw new InvalidWsrfWsdlException(
                    "Failed to obtain service endpoint URL from " + m_service.getQName() +
                    " service's wsdl:port/soap:address/@location attribute" );
        return endpointURL;
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