throw new "nullArgument"
+ "topicExpression.dialect" );
String dialect = topicExpression.getDialect( ).toString( );
TopicExpressionEvaluator evaluator = getEvaluator( dialect );
if ( evaluator == null )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled( ) )
LOG.debug( "Dialect not supported:" + dialect );
LOG.debug( "Registered dialects are:" );
Iterator keyIterator = m_evaluators.keySet( ).iterator( );
Object key = null;
while ( keyIterator.hasNext( ) )
key = );
LOG.debug( key );
LOG.debug( "key.equals(dialect): " + ( key.equals( dialect.toString( ) ) ) );
LOG.debug( "this.evaluators.containsKey(dialect): "
+ this.m_evaluators.containsKey( dialect.toString( ) ) );
LOG.debug( "HashCode of key: " + String.valueOf( key.hashCode( ) ) );
LOG.debug( "HashCode of dialect: " + String.valueOf( dialect.toString( ).hashCode( ) ) );
LOG.debug( "Object stored for key: " + this.m_evaluators.get( key ) );
throw new TopicPathDialectUnknownException( "The dialect " + dialect + " was not recognized." );
return evaluator.evaluate( topicSpaceSet, topicExpression );