this.engineContext = engineContext;
private void checkMustUnderstand(MessageContext msgContext) throws AxisFault {
SOAPEnvelope se = msgContext.getEnvelope();
if (se.getHeader() == null) {
Iterator hbs = se.getHeader().examineAllHeaderBlocks();
while (hbs.hasNext()) {
SOAPHeaderBlock hb = (SOAPHeaderBlock) hbs.next();
// if this header block has been processed or mustUnderstand isn't
// turned on then its cool
if (hb.isProcessed() || !hb.getMustUnderstand()) {
// if this header block is not targetted to me then its not my
// problem. Currently this code only supports the "next" role; we
// need to fix this to allow the engine/service to be in one or more
// additional roles and then to check that any headers targetted for
// that role too have been dealt with.
String role = hb.getRole();
String prefix = se.getNamespace().getPrefix();
if (!msgContext.isSOAP11()) {
// if must understand and soap 1.2 the Role should be NEXT , if it is null we considerr
// it to be NEXT