* calls can be made on the port (see below)
* Fist: get the service locator. This implements the functionality
* to get a client stub (aka port).
SecServiceLocator service = new SecServiceLocator();
* this is a JAX-RPC compliant call. It uses a preconfigured
* endpoint address (usually contained in the WSDL). Note the
* cast.
SecPort port = (SwaPort)service.getPort(SwaPortType.class);
* Here we use an Axis specific call that allows to override the
* port address (service endpoint address) with an own URL. Comes
* in handy for testing.
java.net.URL endpoint;
try {
endpoint = new java.net.URL(address);
catch (java.net.MalformedURLException e) {
throw new javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException(e);
SecPort port = (SecPort)service.getSecHttp(endpoint);
* At this point all preparations are done. Using the port we can
* now perform as many calls as necessary.