BindingOperationElement bindOp = (BindingOperationElement)getParentElement();
InterfaceOperationElement intOp = bindOp.getInterfaceOperationElement();
if(intOp != null)
//Determine the "effective" msg label for this binding msg ref.
NCName effectiveMsgLabel = null;
if(fMessageLabel != null)
effectiveMsgLabel = fMessageLabel;
//TODO: implement placeholder effective msg label, as per Part 1 of spec section 2.10.3
//Now match the effective msg label against the msg label of an interface msg reference.
if(effectiveMsgLabel != null)
InterfaceMessageReferenceElement[] intMsgRefs = intOp.getInterfaceMessageReferenceElements();
for(int i=0; i<intMsgRefs.length; i++)
if( effectiveMsgLabel.equals(intMsgRefs[i].getMessageLabel()) )
intMsgRef = intMsgRefs[i];