*/ public AjaxPage2() { super(); myBorder = new BoxBorder("pageLayout"); add(myBorder); ajaxLabel = new Label("ajaxLabel", "AAAAAAA"); ajaxLabel.setOutputMarkupId(true); myBorder.addToBorderBody(ajaxLabel);
*/ public AjaxPage2() { super(); myBorder = new BoxBorder("pageLayout"); myBorder.setTransparentResolver(true); add(myBorder); ajaxLabel = new Label("ajaxLabel", "AAAAAAA"); ajaxLabel.setOutputMarkupId(true);
* The id of this component */ public NavomaticBorder(final String id) { super(id); add(new BoxBorder("navigationBorder")); add(new BoxBorder("bodyBorder")); }
* The id of this component */ public LibraryApplicationBorder(final String id) { super(id); add(new BoxBorder("boxBorder")); }
*/ public AjaxPage2() { super(); myBorder = new BoxBorder("pageLayout"); add(myBorder); ajaxLabel = new Label("ajaxLabel", "AAAAAAA"); ajaxLabel.setOutputMarkupId(true); myBorder.add(ajaxLabel);