The debug bar is for use during development. It allows contributors to add useful functions or data, making them readily accessible to the developer.
To use it, simply add it to your base page so that all of your pages automatically have it.
Java: add(new DebugBar("debug")); HTML: <div wicket:id="debug"></div>
You can also add your own information to the bar by creating a {@link IDebugBarContributor} andregistering it with the debug bar.
The debug bar uses CSS absolute positioning to appear in the top-right corner of the page. Important: if there is an element with a z-index in this part of your page, the DebugBar will need a higher "z-index" style value to show up. Or you can use different position for it. See wicket-debugbar.css.
@author Jeremy Thomerson
@see IDebugBarContributor