* @throws Exception
@Test(timeout = TestConstants.ITEST_TIMEOUT)
public void testChefRunRecipesFromProvidedCookbooks() throws Exception {
Recipe java = new Recipe("java");
java.attribs.put("install_flavor", "openjdk");
// Recipes have to run directly against ComputeService as they need to be
// ran as initscripts, a future version of ClusterController might avoid
// taht.
Map<? extends NodeMetadata, ExecResponse> responses = runRecipe(java);
printResponses(java, responses);
Statement stmt = Statements.exec("java -version");
responses = controller
.runScriptOnNodesMatching(clusterSpec, allNodes, stmt);
assertResponsesContain(responses, stmt, "Runtime Environment");
Recipe postgreSql = new Recipe("postgresql", "server");
responses = runRecipe(postgreSql);
printResponses(postgreSql, responses);