Package org.apache.vysper.xmpp.modules.roster.persistence

Examples of org.apache.vysper.xmpp.modules.roster.persistence.RosterManager

            boolean isOutboundStanza, SessionContext sessionContext) {
        PresenceStanza presenceStanza = (PresenceStanza) stanza;

        boolean subscriptionRelated = isSubscriptionType(presenceStanza.getPresenceType());

        RosterManager rosterManager = RosterManagerUtils.getRosterInstance(serverRuntimeContext, sessionContext);

        if (!subscriptionRelated)
            return AVAILABILITY_HANDLER.executeCorePresence(serverRuntimeContext, isOutboundStanza, sessionContext,
                    presenceStanza, rosterManager);
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    protected Stanza handleGet(IQStanza stanza, ServerRuntimeContext serverRuntimeContext, SessionContext sessionContext) {

        ResourceRegistry registry = serverRuntimeContext.getResourceRegistry();
        RosterManager rosterManager = (RosterManager)serverRuntimeContext.getStorageProvider(RosterManager.class);

        if (rosterManager == null) {
            return handleCannotRetrieveRoster(stanza, sessionContext);

        Entity from = extractUniqueSenderJID(stanza, sessionContext);
        if (from == null || !from.isResourceSet()) {
            return ServerErrorResponses.getInstance().getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.UNKNOWN_SENDER, stanza, StanzaErrorType.MODIFY, "sender info insufficient: " + ((from == null) ? "no from" : from.getFullQualifiedName()), null, null);
        String resourceId = from.getResource();

        ResourceState currentState = registry.getResourceState(resourceId);
        if (currentState != null) {
            registry.setResourceState(resourceId, ResourceState.makeInterested(currentState));

        Roster roster = null;
        try {
            roster = rosterManager.retrieve(from.getBareJID());
            if (roster == null) return handleCannotRetrieveRoster(stanza, sessionContext);
        } catch (RosterException e) {
            return handleCannotRetrieveRoster(stanza, sessionContext);
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        @SpecCompliant(spec="rfc3921bis-08", section = "2.1.6", status = FINISHED, coverage = PARTIAL, comment = "only set-related content applies"),
        @SpecCompliant(spec="rfc3921bis-08", section = "2.5", status = FINISHED, coverage = COMPLETE, comment = "only calling from here")
    protected Stanza handleSet(IQStanza stanza, ServerRuntimeContext serverRuntimeContext, SessionContext sessionContext) {
        RosterManager rosterManager = (RosterManager)serverRuntimeContext.getStorageProvider(RosterManager.class);

        if (rosterManager == null) {
            return handleCannotRetrieveRoster(stanza, sessionContext);

        Entity user = extractUniqueSenderJID(stanza, sessionContext);
        if (user == null || !user.isResourceSet()) {
            return ServerErrorResponses.getInstance().getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.UNKNOWN_SENDER, stanza, StanzaErrorType.MODIFY, "sender info insufficient: " + ((user == null) ? "no from" : user.getFullQualifiedName()), null, null);

        RosterItem setRosterItem;
        try {
            setRosterItem = RosterUtils.parseRosterItem(stanza);
        } catch (RosterBadRequestException e) {
            return ServerErrorResponses.getInstance().getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.BAD_REQUEST, stanza, StanzaErrorType.MODIFY, e.getMessage(), null, null);
        } catch (RosterNotAcceptableException e) {
            return ServerErrorResponses.getInstance().getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, stanza, StanzaErrorType.MODIFY, e.getMessage(), null, null);

        Entity contactJid = setRosterItem.getJid().getBareJID();

        RosterItem existingItem;
        try {
            existingItem = rosterManager.getContact(user.getBareJID(), contactJid);
        } catch (RosterException e) {
            existingItem = null;

        if (setRosterItem.getSubscriptionType() == REMOVE) {
            // remove is handled in separate method, return afterwards
            return rosterItemRemove(stanza, sessionContext, rosterManager, user, contactJid, existingItem);
        } /* else: all other subscription types are ignored in a roster set and have been filtered out by RosterUtils.parseRosterItem() */

        // proper set (update, not a remove)
        if (existingItem == null) {
            existingItem = new RosterItem(contactJid, NONE);

        if (setRosterItem.getName() != null) {
            logger.debug(user.getBareJID() + " roster: set roster item name to " + setRosterItem.getName());
        logger.debug(user.getBareJID() + " roster: roster item groups set to " + setRosterItem.getGroups());

        try {
            // update contact persistently
            rosterManager.addContact(user.getBareJID(), existingItem);
        } catch (RosterException e) {
            return ServerErrorResponses.getInstance().getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.BAD_REQUEST, stanza, StanzaErrorType.CANCEL, "roster item contact not (yet) in roster: " + contactJid, null, null);

        pushRosterItemToInterestedResources(sessionContext, user, existingItem);
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        if (to == null || to.equals(sessionContext.getServerJID())) {
            return ServerErrorResponses.getInstance().getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
                    stanza, StanzaErrorType.CANCEL, null, null, null);

        RosterManager rosterManager = RosterManagerUtils.getRosterInstance(serverRuntimeContext, sessionContext);

        if (outboundStanza) {
            try {

                boolean toComponent = EntityUtils.isAddressingServerComponent(to, serverRuntimeContext.getServerEnitity());

                Entity from = stanza.getFrom();
                if (from == null || !from.isResourceSet()) {
                    from = new EntityImpl(sessionContext.getInitiatingEntity(), serverRuntimeContext

                // determine if the is a matching subscription...
                boolean isFromContact = false;
                if (!toComponent) {
                    try {
                        isFromContact = rosterManager.retrieve(from.getBareJID()).getEntry(to.getBareJID()).hasFrom();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        isFromContact = false;
                // deny relaying if neither isFromContact nor toComponent
                if (!isFromContact && !toComponent) {
                    return ServerErrorResponses.getInstance().getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
                            stanza, StanzaErrorType.CANCEL, null, null, null);

                Stanza forwardedStanza = StanzaBuilder.createForward(stanza, from, null).build();
                serverRuntimeContext.getStanzaRelay().relay(to, forwardedStanza,
                        new ReturnErrorToSenderFailureStrategy(serverRuntimeContext.getStanzaRelay()));
            } catch (DeliveryException e) {
                // TODO how to handle this exception?
        } else {
            // write inbound stanza to the user

            Entity from = stanza.getFrom();

            boolean fromComponent = (from != null) && EntityUtils.isAddressingServerComponent(from, serverRuntimeContext.getServerEnitity());

            // determine if 'from' is a component or a matching subscription...
            boolean isToContact = false;
            if (!fromComponent) {
                try {
                    isToContact = rosterManager.retrieve(to.getBareJID()).getEntry(from.getBareJID()).hasTo();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    isToContact = false;
            // ...otherwise relaying is denied
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            @SpecCompliant(spec = "rfc3921bis-08", section = "2.2", status = FINISHED, coverage = COMPLETE) })
    protected Stanza handleGet(IQStanza stanza, ServerRuntimeContext serverRuntimeContext, SessionContext sessionContext) {

        ResourceRegistry registry = serverRuntimeContext.getResourceRegistry();
        RosterManager rosterManager = (RosterManager) serverRuntimeContext.getStorageProvider(RosterManager.class);

        if (rosterManager == null) {
            return handleCannotRetrieveRoster(stanza, sessionContext);

        Entity from = extractUniqueSenderJID(stanza, sessionContext);
        if (from == null || !from.isResourceSet()) {
            return ServerErrorResponses.getInstance().getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.UNKNOWN_SENDER, stanza,
                    "sender info insufficient: " + ((from == null) ? "no from" : from.getFullQualifiedName()), null,
        String resourceId = from.getResource();

        ResourceState currentState = registry.getResourceState(resourceId);
        if (currentState != null) {
            registry.setResourceState(resourceId, ResourceState.makeInterested(currentState));

        Roster roster = null;
        try {
            roster = rosterManager.retrieve(from.getBareJID());
            if (roster == null)
                return handleCannotRetrieveRoster(stanza, sessionContext);
        } catch (RosterException e) {
            return handleCannotRetrieveRoster(stanza, sessionContext);
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            @SpecCompliant(spec = "rfc3921bis-08", section = "2.1.5", status = FINISHED, coverage = PARTIAL),
            @SpecCompliant(spec = "rfc3921bis-08", section = "2.1.6", status = FINISHED, coverage = PARTIAL, comment = "only set-related content applies"),
            @SpecCompliant(spec = "rfc3921bis-08", section = "2.5", status = FINISHED, coverage = COMPLETE, comment = "only calling from here") })
    protected Stanza handleSet(IQStanza stanza, ServerRuntimeContext serverRuntimeContext, SessionContext sessionContext) {
        RosterManager rosterManager = (RosterManager) serverRuntimeContext.getStorageProvider(RosterManager.class);

        if (rosterManager == null) {
            return handleCannotRetrieveRoster(stanza, sessionContext);

        Entity user = extractUniqueSenderJID(stanza, sessionContext);
        if (user == null || !user.isResourceSet()) {
            return ServerErrorResponses.getInstance().getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.UNKNOWN_SENDER, stanza,
                    "sender info insufficient: " + ((user == null) ? "no from" : user.getFullQualifiedName()), null,

        RosterItem setRosterItem;
        try {
            setRosterItem = RosterUtils.parseRosterItem(stanza);
        } catch (RosterBadRequestException e) {
            return ServerErrorResponses.getInstance().getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.BAD_REQUEST, stanza,
                    StanzaErrorType.MODIFY, e.getMessage(), null, null);
        } catch (RosterNotAcceptableException e) {
            return ServerErrorResponses.getInstance().getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, stanza,
                    StanzaErrorType.MODIFY, e.getMessage(), null, null);

        Entity contactJid = setRosterItem.getJid().getBareJID();

        RosterItem existingItem;
        try {
            existingItem = rosterManager.getContact(user.getBareJID(), contactJid);
        } catch (RosterException e) {
            existingItem = null;

        if (setRosterItem.getSubscriptionType() == REMOVE) {
            // remove is handled in separate method, return afterwards
            return rosterItemRemove(stanza, sessionContext, rosterManager, user, contactJid, existingItem);
        } /* else: all other subscription types are ignored in a roster set and have been filtered out by RosterUtils.parseRosterItem() */

        // proper set (update, not a remove)
        if (existingItem == null) {
            existingItem = new RosterItem(contactJid, NONE);

        if (setRosterItem.getName() != null) {
            logger.debug(user.getBareJID() + " roster: set roster item name to " + setRosterItem.getName());
        logger.debug(user.getBareJID() + " roster: roster item groups set to " + setRosterItem.getGroups());

        try {
            // update contact persistently
            rosterManager.addContact(user.getBareJID(), existingItem);
        } catch (RosterException e) {
            return ServerErrorResponses.getInstance().getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.BAD_REQUEST, stanza,
                    StanzaErrorType.CANCEL, "roster item contact not (yet) in roster: " + contactJid, null, null);

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                                 boolean isOutboundStanza, SessionContext sessionContext) {
        PresenceStanza presenceStanza = (PresenceStanza)stanza;

        boolean subscriptionRelated = isSubscriptionType(presenceStanza.getPresenceType());

        RosterManager rosterManager = null;
        try {
            rosterManager = (RosterManager)serverRuntimeContext.getStorageProvider(RosterManager.class);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // System.err.println("failed to retrieve roster manager for session id = " + sessionContext.getSessionId());
            String sessionId = sessionContext == null ? "NO_SESSION" : sessionContext.getSessionId();
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            @SpecCompliant(spec = "rfc3921bis-08", section = "2.2", status = FINISHED, coverage = COMPLETE) })
    protected Stanza handleGet(IQStanza stanza, ServerRuntimeContext serverRuntimeContext, SessionContext sessionContext) {

        ResourceRegistry registry = serverRuntimeContext.getResourceRegistry();
        RosterManager rosterManager = (RosterManager) serverRuntimeContext.getStorageProvider(RosterManager.class);

        if (rosterManager == null) {
            return handleCannotRetrieveRoster(stanza, sessionContext);

        Entity from = extractUniqueSenderJID(stanza, sessionContext);
        if (from == null || !from.isResourceSet()) {
            return ServerErrorResponses.getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.UNKNOWN_SENDER, stanza,
                    "sender info insufficient: " + ((from == null) ? "no from" : from.getFullQualifiedName()), null,
        String resourceId = from.getResource();

        ResourceState currentState = registry.getResourceState(resourceId);
        if (currentState != null) {
            registry.setResourceState(resourceId, ResourceState.makeInterested(currentState));

        Roster roster = null;
        try {
            roster = rosterManager.retrieve(from.getBareJID());
            if (roster == null)
                return handleCannotRetrieveRoster(stanza, sessionContext);
        } catch (RosterException e) {
            return handleCannotRetrieveRoster(stanza, sessionContext);
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            @SpecCompliant(spec = "rfc3921bis-08", section = "2.1.5", status = FINISHED, coverage = PARTIAL),
            @SpecCompliant(spec = "rfc3921bis-08", section = "2.1.6", status = FINISHED, coverage = PARTIAL, comment = "only set-related content applies"),
            @SpecCompliant(spec = "rfc3921bis-08", section = "2.5", status = FINISHED, coverage = COMPLETE, comment = "only calling from here") })
    protected Stanza handleSet(IQStanza stanza, ServerRuntimeContext serverRuntimeContext, SessionContext sessionContext) {
        RosterManager rosterManager = (RosterManager) serverRuntimeContext.getStorageProvider(RosterManager.class);

        if (rosterManager == null) {
            return handleCannotRetrieveRoster(stanza, sessionContext);

        Entity user = extractUniqueSenderJID(stanza, sessionContext);
        if (user == null || !user.isResourceSet()) {
            return ServerErrorResponses.getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.UNKNOWN_SENDER, stanza,
                    "sender info insufficient: " + ((user == null) ? "no from" : user.getFullQualifiedName()), null,

        RosterItem setRosterItem;
        try {
            setRosterItem = RosterUtils.parseRosterItem(stanza);
        } catch (RosterBadRequestException e) {
            return ServerErrorResponses.getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.BAD_REQUEST, stanza,
                    StanzaErrorType.MODIFY, e.getMessage(), null, null);
        } catch (RosterNotAcceptableException e) {
            return ServerErrorResponses.getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, stanza,
                    StanzaErrorType.MODIFY, e.getMessage(), null, null);

        Entity contactJid = setRosterItem.getJid().getBareJID();

        RosterItem existingItem;
        try {
            existingItem = rosterManager.getContact(user.getBareJID(), contactJid);
        } catch (RosterException e) {
            existingItem = null;

        if (setRosterItem.getSubscriptionType() == REMOVE) {
            // remove is handled in separate method, return afterwards
            return rosterItemRemove(stanza, sessionContext, rosterManager, user, contactJid, existingItem);
        } /* else: all other subscription types are ignored in a roster set and have been filtered out by RosterUtils.parseRosterItem() */

        // proper set (update, not a remove)
        if (existingItem == null) {
            existingItem = new RosterItem(contactJid, NONE);

        if (setRosterItem.getName() != null) {
            logger.debug(user.getBareJID() + " roster: set roster item name to " + setRosterItem.getName());
        logger.debug(user.getBareJID() + " roster: roster item groups set to " + setRosterItem.getGroups());

        try {
            // update contact persistently
            rosterManager.addContact(user.getBareJID(), existingItem);
        } catch (RosterException e) {
            return ServerErrorResponses.getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.BAD_REQUEST, stanza,
                    StanzaErrorType.CANCEL, "roster item contact not (yet) in roster: " + contactJid, null, null);

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        if (to == null || to.equals(sessionContext.getServerJID())) {
            return ServerErrorResponses.getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
                    stanza, StanzaErrorType.CANCEL, null, null, null);

        RosterManager rosterManager = RosterManagerUtils.getRosterInstance(serverRuntimeContext, sessionContext);

        if (outboundStanza) {
            try {

                boolean toComponent = EntityUtils.isAddressingServerComponent(to, serverRuntimeContext.getServerEnitity());

                Entity from = stanza.getFrom();
                if (from == null || !from.isResourceSet()) {
                    from = new EntityImpl(sessionContext.getInitiatingEntity(), serverRuntimeContext

                // determine if the is a matching subscription...
                boolean isFromContact = false;
                if (!toComponent) {
                    try {
                        isFromContact = rosterManager.retrieve(from.getBareJID()).getEntry(to.getBareJID()).hasFrom();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        isFromContact = false;
                // deny relaying if neither isFromContact nor toComponent
                if (!isFromContact && !toComponent) {
                    return ServerErrorResponses.getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
                            stanza, StanzaErrorType.CANCEL, null, null, null);

                Stanza forwardedStanza = StanzaBuilder.createForward(stanza, from, null).build();
                serverRuntimeContext.getStanzaRelay().relay(to, forwardedStanza,
                        new ReturnErrorToSenderFailureStrategy(serverRuntimeContext.getStanzaRelay()));
            } catch (DeliveryException e) {
                // TODO how to handle this exception?
        } else {
            // write inbound stanza to the user

            Entity from = stanza.getFrom();

            boolean fromComponent = (from != null) && EntityUtils.isAddressingServerComponent(from, serverRuntimeContext.getServerEnitity());

            // determine if 'from' is a component or a matching subscription...
            boolean isToContact = false;
            if (!fromComponent) {
                try {
                    isToContact = rosterManager.retrieve(to.getBareJID()).getEntry(from.getBareJID()).hasTo();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    isToContact = false;
            // ...otherwise relaying is denied
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Related Classes of org.apache.vysper.xmpp.modules.roster.persistence.RosterManager

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