a module plugs new functionality into the server, most probably an implementation for a XEP. this functionality spans:
- adding services (implementing ServerRuntimeContextService) to the server which can be accessed by other modules
- doing initializations, for example adding request listeners to the ServiceDiscoveryRequestListenerRegistry
- adding dictionaries with new stanza handlers getting registered with the server which then get called as matching stanzas arrive
TODO: think about returning the supported XEPs
@see org.apache.vysper.xmpp.modules.DefaultModule recommended for simple modules not involved with service disco
@see org.apache.vysper.xmpp.modules.DefaultDiscoAwareModule recommended for modules responding to service disco requests
@see org.apache.vysper.xmpp.modules.ServerRuntimeContextService
@see org.apache.vysper.xmpp.protocol.HandlerDictionary
@author The Apache MINA Project (dev@mina.apache.org)