Package org.apache.velocity.runtime.configuration

Examples of org.apache.velocity.runtime.configuration.Configuration

     * @param name The name of the service.
     * @return Properties of requested Service.
     public Configuration getConfiguration( String name )
        return new Configuration();
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     * This method sets up the template cache.
    private void initJsp() throws Exception
        ServletContext context = TurbineServlet.getServletContext();
        Configuration config = getConfiguration();

         * Use the turbine template service to translate
         * the template paths.
        templatePaths = TurbineTemplate.translateTemplatePaths(
         * Set relative paths from config.
         * Needed for javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher
        relativeTemplatePaths = config.getStringArray("templates");
         * Make sure that the relative paths begin with /
        for (int i = 0; i < relativeTemplatePaths.length; i++)
            if (!relativeTemplatePaths[i].startsWith("/"))
                relativeTemplatePaths[i] = "/" + relativeTemplatePaths[i];
        bufferSize = config.getInt("buffer.size", 8192);
         * Register with the template service.
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    private void initTemplate()
         * Get the configuration for the template service.
        Configuration config = getConfiguration();
         * Get the default extension to use if nothing else is applicable.
        defaultExtension = config.getString("default.extension",NO_FILE_EXT);
        defaultTemplate = "Default." + defaultExtension;
         * Check to see if we are going to be caching modules.
        useCache = TurbineResources.getBoolean("module.cache",true);
        if (useCache)
            int screenSize = config.getInt("screen.cache.size",5);
            int screenTemplateSize = config.getInt("screen.cache.size",50);
            int layoutSize = config.getInt("layout.cache.size",5);
            int layoutTemplateSize = config.getInt("layout.cache.size",5);
            int navigationSize = config.getInt("navigation.cache.size",10);
             * Create hashtables for each object type,
             * the first one for pages is not used.
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    private void initVelocity() throws InitializationException
         * Get the configuration for this service.
        Configuration configuration = getConfiguration();

         * Now we have to perform a couple of path translations
         * for our log file and template paths.
        String logFile = TurbineServlet.getRealPath
            (configuration.getString(Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG, null));
        if (StringUtils.isValid(logFile))
            configuration.setProperty(Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG, logFile);
            String msg = VelocityService.SERVICE_NAME + " runtime log file " +
                "is misconfigured: '" + logFile + "' is not a valid log file";
            if (TurbineServlet.getServletConfig() instanceof TurbineConfig)
                msg += ": TurbineConfig users must use a path relative to " +
                    "web application root";
            throw new Error(msg);

         * Get all the template paths where the velocity
         * runtime should search for templates.
        Vector templatePaths = configuration.getVector(

         * Clear the configuration for the template paths, we
         * want to translate them all to the webapp space.
        int pathsToProcess = templatePaths.size();
        // If I use this line I get an endless loop?
        // What the hell is that? Is that a bug with
        // Vector used in conjunction with a for loop.
        //for (int i = 0; i < templatePaths.size(); i++)
        for (int i = 0; i < pathsToProcess; i++)
                TurbineServlet.getRealPath((String) templatePaths.get(i)));
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     * Load the persisted state of the repository from disk
    private synchronized void load() {

        Map store = new HashMap();
        Configuration config = null; "Restoring the URLs from disk: " + path );

        try {
            config = new Configuration( path );

            int count = 1;
            String url = null;

            while ( ( url = ( config
                              .getString("entry."+count+".url") ) ) != null ) {
                //Intern the url to ensure we can use "==" to compare
                //and synchronize on it
                url = url.intern();
                int status = config.getInteger("entry."+count+".status", URLManagerService.STATUS_OK );
                if( store.get( url ) == null )
                    store.put( url, new URLInfo( url, status ) );

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     * Load the persisted state of the repository from disk
    private synchronized void load() {

        Map store = new HashMap();
        Configuration config = null; "Restoring the URLs from disk: " + path );

        try {
            config = new Configuration( path );

            int count = 1;
            String url = null;

            while ( ( url = ( config
                              .getString("entry."+count+".url") ) ) != null ) {
                //Intern the url to ensure we can use "==" to compare
                //and synchronize on it
                url = url.intern();
                int status = config.getInteger("entry."+count+".status", URLManagerService.STATUS_OK );
                if( store.get( url ) == null )
                    store.put( url, new URLInfo( url, status ) );

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     * Load the persisted state of the repository from disk
    private synchronized void load() {

        Map store = new HashMap();
        Configuration config = null; "Restoring the URLs from disk: " + path );
        try {
            config = new Configuration( path );
            int count = 1;
            String url = null;
            while ( ( url = ( config
                              .getString("entry."+count+".url") ) ) != null ) {
                //Intern the url to ensure we can use "==" to compare
                //and synchronize on it
                url = url.intern();
                int status = config.getInteger("entry."+count+".status", URLManagerService.STATUS_OK );
                if( store.get( url ) == null )
                    store.put( url, new URLInfo( url, status ) );
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        for (int i = 0; i < sourceInitializerList.size(); i++)
            Configuration configuration = (Configuration) sourceInitializerList.get(i);
            String loaderClass = configuration.getString("class");

            resourceLoader = ResourceLoaderFactory.getLoader(loaderClass);
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             * pertaining to a particular loader.
            String loaderID =
                resourceLoaderNames.get(i) + "." + Runtime.RESOURCE_LOADER;

            Configuration loaderConfiguration =

             * Add resources to the list of resource loader
             * initializers.
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    public void init()
        throws InitializationException
        String path = null;
        Configuration conf = getConfiguration();
        if (conf != null)
            path = conf.getString(MIME_TYPES);
            if (path != null)
                path = TurbineServlet.getRealPath(path);
        if (path != null)
                mimeTypeMap = new MimeTypeMap(path);
            catch (IOException x)
                throw new InitializationException(path,x);
            mimeTypeMap = new MimeTypeMap();

        if (conf != null)
            path = conf.getString(CHARSETS);
            if (path != null)
                path = TurbineServlet.getRealPath(path);
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Related Classes of org.apache.velocity.runtime.configuration.Configuration

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