Package org.apache.uima.util

Examples of org.apache.uima.util.ProcessTrace

    // create a JCas, given an Analysis Engine (ae)
    JCas jcas = ae.newJCas();

    // analyze a document
    ProcessTrace pt = ae.process(jcas);

    // analyze results
    for (ProcessTraceEvent e : pt.getEvents()) {
      if (e != null && e.getResultMessage() != null && e.getResultMessage().contains("error")) {
        throw new AnalysisEngineProcessException();
    return jcas;
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      // now add subevents for each component
      Iterator<AnalysisEngine> aeIter = _getASB().getComponentAnalysisEngines().values().iterator();
      while (aeIter.hasNext()) {
        AnalysisEngine ae =;
        if (ae instanceof AnalysisEngineImplBase) {
          ProcessTrace subPT = ((AnalysisEngineImplBase) ae).buildProcessTraceFromMBeanStats();
          if (subPT.getEvents().size() > 0) {
            procEvt.addSubEvent((ProcessTraceEvent) subPT.getEvents().get(0));
      // and also FlowController
      FlowControllerContainer fcc = ((ASB_impl) _getASB()).getFlowControllerContainer();
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   * @throws IOException -
   *           error while reading corpus
   * @throws CollectionException
  private Object[] readNext(int fetchSize) throws IOException, CollectionException {
    ProcessTrace localTrace = new ProcessTrace_impl(cpm.getPerformanceTuningSettings());

    boolean success = false;
    Object[] casObjects = null;
    threadState = 1000; // Entering hasNext()
    // Checks if the CollectionReader has any documents left
    long start = 0;
    if (timer != null) {
      start = timer.getTimeInMillis();
    boolean eventStarted = false;

    // CasObject based CollectionReader does not support returning more than
    // one CAS at a time. So
    // fake support for this by calling its getNext() until the casList is
    // filled to max capacity.
    // The capacity of casList is equal to the CollectionReader fetchSize,
    // defined in CR descriptor.
    if (collectionReader instanceof CollectionReader) {
      casList = new CAS[fetchSize];
      for (int i = 0; i < fetchSize; i++) {

        if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
          UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.FINEST, this.getClass().getName(),
                  "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMA_CPM_cr_fetch_new_cas__FINEST",
                  new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName() });

        threadState = 1001; // Waiting for CAS
        // Get the cas from the pool.
        while (cpm.isRunning() && (casList[i] = casPool.getCas(0)) == null)
          ; // intentionally empty while loop

        if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                  new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(),
                      String.valueOf((casList[i] == null)) });
        if (cpm.isRunning() == false) {
          // CPM is in shutdown stage. No need to enqueue additional
          // documents/CAS'es. Just release
          // those that have been aquired so far back to the pool and
          // return null, indicating
          // end of processing.
          if (timer != null) {
            totalFetchTime += (timer.getTimeInMillis() - start);
          for (int listCounter = 0; casList != null && casList[i] != null
                  && listCounter < casList.length; listCounter++) {
//            synchronized (casPool) { // redundant - releaseCas call does this
//              casPool.notifyAll();
//            }
          if (cpmStatTable != null) {
            Progress[] progress = collectionReader.getProgress();
            cpmStatTable.put("COLLECTION_READER_PROGRESS", progress);
            cpmStatTable.put("COLLECTION_READER_TIME", Long.valueOf(totalFetchTime));
          if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.FINEST, this.getClass().getName(),
                    "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                    new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName() });
          return null;
        if (casList[i] == null) {
          return null;
        if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
          UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.FINEST, this.getClass().getName(),
                  "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMA_CPM_got_new_cas__FINEST",
                  new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName() });
        if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
          UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.FINEST, this.getClass().getName(),
                  "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMA_CPM_call_cas_reset__FINEST",
                  new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName() });

        // If Collection Reader and CAS Initilaizer do not declare any
        // output SofAs, must be passed the default view (meaning whatever's
        //mapped to _InitialView) for backward compatiblity
        Capability[] capabilities;
        CasInitializer casIni = ((CollectionReader) collectionReader).getCasInitializer();
        if (casIni != null)
          capabilities = casIni.getProcessingResourceMetaData().getCapabilities();
          capabilities = ((CollectionReader) collectionReader).getProcessingResourceMetaData()

        boolean sofaUnaware = true;
        for (int j = 0; j < capabilities.length; j++) {
          if (capabilities[j].getOutputSofas().length > 0) {
            sofaUnaware = false;

        threadState = 1003; // Entering

        // set the current component info of the CAS, so that it knows
        // the sofa
        // mappings for the component that's about to process it
        UimaContextAdmin context = ((CollectionReader) collectionReader).getUimaContextAdmin();
        try {
          if (sofaUnaware) {
            // sofa-unaware CR, give it whatever is mapped to the
            // initial view (creating that view first if it's not the default)
            String absSofaName = context.getComponentInfo().mapToSofaID(CAS.NAME_DEFAULT_SOFA);
            if (!CAS.NAME_DEFAULT_SOFA.equals(absSofaName)) {
            CAS view = casList[i].getView(CAS.NAME_DEFAULT_SOFA);
            if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                      this.getClass().getName(), "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                      new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), "CAS" });
                    "Process", "");
            eventStarted = true;
            ((CollectionReader) collectionReader).getNext(view);
                    "Process", "success");

            if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                      this.getClass().getName(), "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                      new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), "CAS" });
          } else
          // sofa-aware CR, give it the base CAS
            CAS baseCas = ((CASImpl) casList[i]).getBaseCAS();
            if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                      this.getClass().getName(), "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                      new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), "CAS" });

                    "Process", "");
            eventStarted = true;
            ((CollectionReader) collectionReader).getNext(baseCas);
                    "Process", "success");

            if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                      this.getClass().getName(), "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                      new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), "CAS" });
          success = true;
        } finally {
          // be sure to unset the component info in the CAS, since the
          // CAS is no longer
          // being processed by the CollectionReader
          if (eventStarted) // use this to make sure we dont end event that has not been explicitely
          // started
            if (!success) {
                      "Process", "failure");

            synchronized (globalSharedProcessTrace) {


      casObjects = casList;
      if (casObjects != null && casObjects.length > 0) {
        try {
          if (((CASImpl) casList[0]).isBackwardCompatibleCas()) {
            CAS view = casList[0].getView(CAS.NAME_DEFAULT_SOFA);
            lastDocId[0] = ConsumerCasUtils.getStringFeatValue(view, Constants.METADATA_KEY,
          } else {
            lastDocId[0] = "";
        } catch (Exception e) {
          lastDocId[0] = "";
    } else {
      // Retrieve next set of CAS'es. fetchSize is hint to the
      // CollectionReader how many to return
      // Some CollectionReaders return a batch with size different than
      // recommended in
      // fetchSize. Most notably, Large WF Store decides itself how many
      // entities to return for
      // each fetch.

      if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
        UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.FINEST, this.getClass().getName(),
                "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMA_CPM_call_cr_next__FINEST",
                new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), "CasData" });
      localTrace.startEvent(collectionReader.getProcessingResourceMetaData().getName(), "Process",
      try {
        casObjects = ((CasDataCollectionReader) collectionReader).getNext(fetchSize);
        success = true;
      } finally {
        if (!success) {
                  "Process", "failure");

        } else {
                  "Process", "success");

        synchronized (globalSharedProcessTrace) {
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                new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName() });
    isRunning = true;
    ProcessTrace localTrace = new ProcessTrace_impl(cpm.getPerformanceTuningSettings());
    while (cpm.isRunning()) {

      casList = null;
      casObjectList = null;
      synchronized (cpm.lockForPause) {
        if (cpm.isPaused()) {
          try {
            if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                      this.getClass().getName(), "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                      new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName() });
            // Wait until resumed
          } catch (Exception e) {
          if (!cpm.isRunning()) {
          if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.FINEST, this.getClass().getName(),
                    "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMA_CPM_resume_cr__FINEST",
                    new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName() });

      try {
        if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
          UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.FINEST, this.getClass().getName(),
                  "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMA_CPM_call_hasnext__FINEST",
                  new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName() });
        threadState = 1004; // Entering hasNext()

        // start the CR event
                "Process", "");
        crEventCompleted = false;
        if (collectionReader.hasNext()) {
                  "Process", "success");
          crEventCompleted = true;

          if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.FINEST, this.getClass().getName(),
                    "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                    new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName() });
          casObjectList = readNext(readerFetchSize);
          if (casObjectList != null) {
            if (casObjectList instanceof CAS[]) {
              boolean releasedCas = false;
              for (int i = 0; i < casObjectList.length && casObjectList[i] != null; i++) {
                ChunkMetadata meta = CPMUtils.getChunkMetadata((CAS) casObjectList[i]);
                if (meta != null) {
                  if (timedoutDocs.containsKey(meta.getDocId())) {
                    notifyListeners(casList[i], new ResourceProcessException(new SkipCasException(
                            "Dropping CAS due chunk Timeout. Doc Id::" + meta.getDocId()
                                    + " Sequence:" + meta.getSequence())));

                    casPool.releaseCas((CAS) casObjectList[i]);
//                    synchronized (casPool) {  // redundant, releaseCas call does this
//                      casPool.notifyAll();
//                    }
                    releasedCas = true;
              if (releasedCas) {
            if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                      new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(),
                          String.valueOf(casObjectList.length) });
            // Prevent processing of new CASes if the CPM has been
            // killed hard. Allow processing of CASes
            // while the CPM is in normal shutdown state.
            // (Moved this code inside if (casObjectList != null)
            // block to avoid NullPointerException. -Adam
            if (cpm.isRunning() == true
                    || (cpm.isRunning() == false && cpm.isHardKilled() == false)) {
              threadState = 1005; // Entering enqueue
//              synchronized (workQueue) { // redundant, enqueue does this
//                workQueue.notifyAll();
//              }
              threadState = 1006; // Done Entering enqueue
              entityCount += casObjectList.length;
              if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                        new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(),
                            String.valueOf(casObjectList.length) });
            } else {
              break; // CPM has been killed
          } else {
            if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                      this.getClass().getName(), "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                      new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName() });
            break; // Null should not be returned from getNext
            // unless the CPM is in shutdown mode
        } else {
          if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.FINEST, this.getClass().getName(),
                    "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMA_CPM_processed_all__FINEST",
                    new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName() });
          // Stops the CPM and all of the running threads.
          // cpm.stopIt(); APL - don't stop, just terminate this
          // thread, which CPMEngine has joined on

        // Check if the CollectionReader retrieved expected number of
        // entities
        if (endOfProcessingReached()) {
          threadState = 1010; // End of processing

          if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.FINEST, this.getClass().getName(),
                    "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                    new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName() });
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // The following conditional is true if hasNext() has failed
        if (!crEventCompleted) {
                  "Process", "failure");
        // e.printStackTrace();
        // changed from FINER to WARNING:
        if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
          UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.WARNING, this.getClass().getName(),
                  "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMA_CPM_exception__WARNING",
                  new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), e.getMessage() });

          UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);
        if (casList == null) {
          notifyListeners(null, e);
        } else {
          // Notify Listeners and release CAS's back to the cas pool.
          for (int i = 0; casList != null && i < casList.length; i++) {
            if (casList[i] != null) {
              notifyListeners(casList[i], e);
              casList[i] = null;
//              synchronized (casPool) { // redundant, releaseCas does this
//                casPool.notifyAll();
//              }

            } else {
              notifyListeners(null, e);
            casList = null;

      } finally {
        // Clear all events
        synchronized (globalSharedProcessTrace) {
      if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
        UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.FINEST, this.getClass().getName(),
                "process", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
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  private void notifyListeners(CAS aCas, Exception anException) {
    for (int i = 0; callbackListeners != null && i < callbackListeners.size(); i++) {
      StatusCallbackListener statCL = (StatusCallbackListener) callbackListeners.get(i);
      if ( statCL != null ) {
        ProcessTrace prTrace = new ProcessTrace_impl(cpm.getPerformanceTuningSettings());
        EntityProcessStatusImpl aEntityProcStatus = new EntityProcessStatusImpl(prTrace);
        aEntityProcStatus.addEventStatus("Collection Reader Failure", "failed", anException);
        // Notify the listener that the Cas has been processed
        CPMEngine.callEntityProcessCompleteWithCAS(statCL, aCas, aEntityProcStatus);
//        statCL.entityProcessComplete(aCas, aEntityProcStatus);
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                      "UIMA_CPM_EXP_no_proxy__WARNING", new Object[] { Thread.currentThread()
                              .getName() })));

    CasData casWithAnalysis = null;
    ProcessTrace pt = new ProcessTrace_impl();
    // Send the content for analysis to the remote service via the proxy
    try {
      long pStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
      casWithAnalysis = textAnalysisProxy.analyze(aCas, pt, name);
      long pEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
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              + CpmLocalizedMessage.getLocalizedMessage(CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                      "UIMA_CPM_EXP_no_proxy__WARNING", new Object[] { Thread.currentThread()
                              .getName() })));
    try {
      ProcessTrace pt = new ProcessTrace_impl();
      return textAnalysisProxy.analyze(aCasList, pt, name);
    } catch (ServiceConnectionException e) {
      throw new ResourceProcessException(e);
    } catch (ServiceException e) {
      throw new ResourceProcessException(e);
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      UimaASProcessStatusImpl status = null;
      try {
        while (howManyCASes-- > 0) {
          CAS cas = uimaClient.getCAS();
          ProcessTrace pt = new ProcessTrace_impl();

          try {
            // Send CAS and wait for a response
            String casReferenceId = uimaClient.sendAndReceiveCAS(cas, pt);
            status = new UimaASProcessStatusImpl(pt, casReferenceId);
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  protected void handleCollectionProcessCompleteReply(Message message) throws Exception {
    int payload = ((Integer) message.getIntProperty(AsynchAEMessage.Payload)).intValue();
    try {
      if (AsynchAEMessage.Exception == payload) {
        ProcessTrace pt = new ProcessTrace_impl();
        UimaASProcessStatusImpl status = new UimaASProcessStatusImpl(pt);
        Exception exception = retrieveExceptionFromMessage(message);

        status.addEventStatus("CpC", "Failed", exception);
        notifyListeners(null, status, AsynchAEMessage.CollectionProcessComplete);
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        ClientRequest cachedRequest = (ClientRequest) clientCache.get(casReferenceId);
        if (cachedRequest != null) {
          sendCAS(cachedRequest.getCAS(), cachedRequest);
      } else {
        ProcessTrace pt = new ProcessTrace_impl();
        UimaASProcessStatusImpl status = new UimaASProcessStatusImpl(pt);
        notifyListeners(null, status, AsynchAEMessage.GetMeta);
      // Handled Ping reply
    int payload = ((Integer) message.getIntProperty(AsynchAEMessage.Payload)).intValue();

    try {
      if (AsynchAEMessage.Exception == payload) {
        ProcessTrace pt = new ProcessTrace_impl();
        UimaASProcessStatusImpl status = new UimaASProcessStatusImpl(pt);
        Exception exception = retrieveExceptionFromMessage(message);
        status.addEventStatus("GetMeta", "Failed", exception);
        notifyListeners(null, status, AsynchAEMessage.GetMeta);
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Related Classes of org.apache.uima.util.ProcessTrace

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