protected constraint3ReturnType testConstraint3(TextRulerExampleDocument doc,
TextRulerRulePattern h, TextRulerRulePattern t, TextRulerRulePattern l1) {
final boolean logReasons = false;
TextRulerRulePattern head = new TextRulerRulePattern();
TextRulerRulePattern tail = new TextRulerRulePattern();
getPageHeadAndTailPortion(doc, head, tail);
// 1: l1 must be a proper suffix of the portion between the end of h and
// the first slot filler:
// (head / h) / l1 = l1
int hPos = head.find(h);
// TOOD precalculate this outside this method ?
TextRulerRulePattern restForL1 = head.subPattern(hPos + h.size(), -1).copy();
for (TextRulerRuleItem it : restForL1)
((WienRuleItem) it).getWordConstraint().setGeneralizeLinkMarkUp(true);
int l1Pos = restForL1.find(l1);
if (l1Pos < 0 || l1Pos != restForL1.size() - l1.size()) {
TextRulerToolkit.logIf(logReasons, "REASON 1\n\tl1 \t" + l1 + "\n\trestforl1\t"
+ restForL1);
return constraint3ReturnType.C3_L1CandidateSuffixError;
// 2: t must not occur in the subpattern after h and before l1
if (l1Pos > 0) {
TextRulerRulePattern patternBetweenHandL1 = restForL1.subPattern(0, l1Pos);
if (patternBetweenHandL1.size() >= t.size()) {
if (patternBetweenHandL1.find(t) >= 0) {
TextRulerToolkit.logIf(logReasons, "REASON 2");
return constraint3ReturnType.C3_TailCandidateH_L1Error;
// 2a: addons, not specified in WIEN paper !!
TextRulerRulePattern lastSlotRightPattern = patternPairs.get(slotNames.length - 1).r;
if (t.find(lastSlotRightPattern) == 0) // the right boundary of the last
// slot may not be part of the
// tail pattern!
TextRulerToolkit.logIf(logReasons, "REASON 3: " + lastSlotRightPattern + "\tTail: " + t);
return constraint3ReturnType.C3_TailCandidateRK_PrefixError;
int tPos = tail.find(t);
if (tPos < 0) {
TextRulerToolkit.logIf(logReasons, "REASON 4");
return constraint3ReturnType.C3_TailCandidateNotFoundError;
} // this is an own constraint definition: if a document does not have
// the tail in it,
// what should we do then ? is this a n error or is this okay since the
// document may not have any tail after the data ?
// 3: l1 must not precede t in the page's tail:
int l1tPos = tail.find(l1);
if (l1tPos >= 0) // l1 occurs in the page's tail:
if (l1tPos < tPos) {
TextRulerToolkit.logIf(logReasons, "REASON 5");
return constraint3ReturnType.C3_TailCandidateSucceedsL1InTailError;
List<TextRulerRulePattern> interTupleSeparators = getInterTupleSepatators(doc);
for (TextRulerRulePattern itSep : interTupleSeparators) {
// 4: l1 must be a proper suffix of each of the inter-tuple
// separators:
TextRulerRulePattern itSepCopy = itSep.copy();
for (TextRulerRuleItem it : itSepCopy)
((WienRuleItem) it).getWordConstraint().setGeneralizeLinkMarkUp(true);
int l1itsPos = itSepCopy.find(l1);
if (l1itsPos < 0 || l1itsPos != itSepCopy.size() - l1.size()) {
TextRulerToolkit.logIf(logReasons, "REASON 6: \n\tl1\t" + l1 + "\n\titSep\t" + itSep);
return constraint3ReturnType.C3_L1CandidateInterTupleSeparatorSuffixError;
// 5: t must never precede l1 in any inter-tuple separator: