Package org.apache.uima.ducc.rm.scheduler

Examples of org.apache.uima.ducc.rm.scheduler.Share

                if ( m == null ) {                             // not known, huh? maybe next epoch it will have checked in
                    refuse(j, "Cannot restore job because node " + ni.getName()  + " is unknown.");
                    return false;                              // so we don't add it to global tables
                } else {
                    DuccId id = proc.getDuccId();
                    Share   s = new Share(id, m, j, m.getShareOrder());        // guess share order; scheduler will reset when it recovers job
                    long mem = proc.getResidentMemory();

          , j.getId(), "Assigning share in state", state, "pid", pid, "for recovery", s.toString());
                    s.update(j.getId(), mem, state, proc.getTimeWindowInit(), proc.getTimeWindowRun(), pid);                   
  , j.getId(), "Scheduling for recovery.");
        } else {
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                if ( m == null ) {                             // not known, huh? maybe next epoch it will have checked in
                    refuse(j, "Cannot restore reservation because node " + ni.getName() + " is unknown.");
                    return false;                              // so we don't add it to global tables
                } else {
                    DuccId id = res.getDuccId();
                    Share   s = new Share(id, m, j, m.getShareOrder());
                    logger.debug(methodName, j.getId(), "Assigning share for recovery", s.toString());
  , j.getId(), "Scheduling for recovery.");
        } else {
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        for ( IDuccProcess p : lproc.values() ) {
            // look up share, update resident memory, process state, investment (eventually), maybe pid?
            // simply update the share with the information.  we pass in the jobid as a sanity check so
            // we can crash or at least complain loudly on mismatch.

            Share s = scheduler.getShare(p.getDuccId());
            long mem = p.getResidentMemory();
            ProcessState state = p.getProcessState();
            String pid = p.getPID();

  , jobid, "New process ", s.toString(), mem, state, pid);
            if ( ! s.update(jobid, mem, state, p.getTimeWindowInit(), p.getTimeWindowRun(), pid) ) {
                // TODO: probably change to just a warning and cancel the job - for now I want an attention-getter
                throw new SchedulingException(jobid, "Process assignemnt arrives for share " + s.toString() +
                                              " but jobid " + jobid + " does not match share " + s.getJob().getId());
            //scheduler.signalGrowth(jobid, s);
            // sadly, the pid is almost always null here
            //, jobid,
            //            "New process arrives for share", s.toString(), "PID", pid);
        // gone stuff in in the right side of the map
        Map<DuccId, IDuccProcess> rproc = diffmap.getRight();
        for ( IDuccProcess p : rproc .values()) {
            // these processes are done.  look up the job and tell it process complete.
            Share s = scheduler.getShare(p.getDuccId());
            IRmJob j = scheduler.getJob(jobid);
            if ( j == null ) {
                throw new SchedulingException(jobid, "Process completion arrives for share " + s.toString() +
                                              " but job " + jobid + "cannot be found.");
            scheduler.signalCompletion(j, s);
  , jobid,
                         String.format("Process %5s", p.getPID()),
                         "Completion:", s.toString());

        for( DuccMapValueDifference<IDuccProcess> pd: diffmap ) {
            IDuccProcess pl = pd.getLeft();
            IDuccProcess pr = pd.getRight();

            Share sl = scheduler.getShare(pl.getDuccId());
            Share sr = scheduler.getShare(pr.getDuccId());

            String shareL = ( sl == null ) ? "<none>" : sl.toString();
            String shareR = ( sr == null ) ? "<none>" : sr.toString();

            ITimeWindow initL = pl.getTimeWindowInit();
            ITimeWindow initR = pr.getTimeWindowInit();
            long init_timeL = (initL == null) ? 0 : initL.getElapsedMillis();
            long init_timeR = (initR == null) ? 0 : initR.getElapsedMillis();

            /** extreme debugging only*/
            if ( logger.isTrace() ) {
                logger.trace(methodName, jobid,
                             "\n\tReconciling. incoming.(pid, mem, state, share, initTime)",
                             "\n\tReconciling. existing.(pid, mem, state, share, initTime)",
            } else {
                if ( (pr.getPID() == null) && (pl.getPID() != null) ) {
                    logger.trace(methodName, jobid,
                                String.format("Process %5s", pl.getPID()),
                                "PID assignement for share", shareL);
                if ( pl.getProcessState() != pr.getProcessState() ) {
          , jobid,
                                String.format("Process %5s", pl.getPID()), sl.toString(),
                                "State:", pr.getProcessState(), "->", pl.getProcessState(),
                                getElapsedTime(pr.getTimeWindowInit()), getElapsedTime(pr.getTimeWindowRun()));

            long mem = pl.getResidentMemory();
            ProcessState state = pl.getProcessState();
            String pid = pl.getPID();                       
            Share s = scheduler.getShare(pl.getDuccId());
            if ( pl.isActive() ) {
                if ( s == null ) {
                    // this can happen if a node dies and the share is purged so it's ok.
                    logger.warn(methodName, jobid, "Update for share from process", pl.getPID(), pl.getDuccId(), "but cannot find share.");
                if ( s.isPurged() ) {
                    IRmJob j = scheduler.getJob(jobid);
                    scheduler.signalCompletion(j, s);
          , jobid, "Process", pl.getPID(), "marked complete because it is purged. State:", state);

                if ( ! s.update(jobid, mem, state, pl.getTimeWindowInit(), pl.getTimeWindowRun(), pid) ) {
                    // TODO: probably change to just a warning and cancel the job - for now I want an attention-getter
                    throw new SchedulingException(jobid, "Process update arrives for share " + s.toString() +
                                                  " but jobid " + jobid + " does not match job in share " + s.getJob().getId());
                // logger.debug(methodName, jobid, "Process update to process ", pid, "mem", mem, "state", state, "is assigned for share", s.toString());

            } else if ( pl.isComplete() ) {
                if ( s != null ) {              // in some final states the share is already gone, not an error (e.g. Stopped)
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Related Classes of org.apache.uima.ducc.rm.scheduler.Share

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