JsonObject jsonResponse = new JsonObject();
JsonArray data = new JsonArray();
JsonArray row;
DuccSchedulerClasses schedulerClasses = new DuccSchedulerClasses();
Map<String, DuccProperties> clmap = schedulerClasses.getClasses();
if( clmap != null ) {
DuccProperties[] class_set = clmap.values().toArray(new DuccProperties[clmap.size()]);
Arrays.sort(class_set, new NodeConfiguration.ClassSorter());
for( DuccProperties cl : class_set ) {
row = new JsonArray();
String class_name = cl.getProperty("name");
// Name
row.add(new JsonPrimitive(class_name));
// Policy
String policy = cl.getProperty("policy");
row.add(new JsonPrimitive(policy));
// Weight
String weight = cl.getStringProperty("weight", "-");
row.add(new JsonPrimitive(weight));
// Priority
String priority = cl.getProperty("priority");
row.add(new JsonPrimitive(priority));
// cap is either absolute or proportional. if proprotional, it ends with '%'. It's always
// either-or so at least one of these columns will have N/A
// Relative & Absolute Caps
String val = cl.getStringProperty("cap", "0");
if( (val == null) || val.equals("0") ) {
row.add(new JsonPrimitive("-"));
row.add(new JsonPrimitive("-"));
else if ( val.endsWith("%") ) {
row.add(new JsonPrimitive(val));
row.add(new JsonPrimitive("-"));
else {
row.add(new JsonPrimitive("-"));
row.add(new JsonPrimitive(val));
if ( policy.equals("FAIR_SHARE") ) {
// Initialization Cap
String defaultInitializationCap = "2";
val = cl.getStringProperty("initialization-cap",
row.add(new JsonPrimitive(val));
// Expand-by-Doubling
boolean bval = cl.getBooleanProperty("expand-by-doubling", true);
row.add(new JsonPrimitive(bval));
// Use Prediction
String defaultUsePrediction = "true";
val = cl.getProperty("use-prediction",
row.add(new JsonPrimitive(val));
// Prediction Fudge
String defaultPredictionFudge = "10000";
val = cl.getStringProperty("prediction-fudge",
row.add(new JsonPrimitive(val));
} else {
row.add(new JsonPrimitive("-"));
row.add(new JsonPrimitive("-"));
row.add(new JsonPrimitive("-"));
row.add(new JsonPrimitive("-"));
// max for reserve in in machines. For fixed is in processes. No max on fair-share. So slightly
// ugly code here.
// Max Allocation
if ( policy.equals("RESERVE") ) {
val = cl.getStringProperty("max-machines");
if( val == null || val.equals("0")) {
val = "-";
} else if ( policy.equals("FIXED_SHARE") ) {
val = cl.getStringProperty("max-processes");
if( val == null || val.equals("0")) {
val = "-";
} else {
val = "-";
val = cl.getStringProperty("max-shares", "0");
if( val == null || val.equals("0")) {
val = "-";
row.add(new JsonPrimitive(val));
// Nodepool
val = cl.getProperty("nodepool");
row.add(new JsonPrimitive(val));
// Debug
val = "-";
if(schedulerClasses.isPreemptable(class_name)) {
if(schedulerClasses.isPreemptable(class_name)) {
String v1 = cl.getStringProperty("debug", "");
if(!v1.equals("")) {
val = v1;