Any component that operates on analysis results produced by a UIMA CasDataProcessor. CASDataConsumers may be registered with a {@link org.apache.uima.collection.CollectionProcessingManager} (CPM). During collectionprocessing, the CPM will pass each CasData from CasProcessor to each consumer's process method. The CAS consumer can do anything it wants with the CASes it receives; commonly CAS consumers will build aggregate data structures such as search engine indices or glossaries.
The CPM will also call each CAS Consumer's {@link #batchProcessComplete(ProcessTrace)} method atthe end of each batch and their {@link #collectionProcessComplete(ProcessTrace)} method called atthe end of the collection.
s are also {@link ConfigurableResource}s, and can be instantiated from descriptors. See {@link org.apache.uima.util.XMLParser#parseCasConsumerDescription(XMLInputSource)} and{@link org.apache.uima.UIMAFramework#produceCasConsumer(ResourceSpecifier,Map)} for moreinformation.