Package org.apache.uima.cas.admin

Examples of org.apache.uima.cas.admin.TypeSystemMgr

    // }
    // assertTrue(caughtExc);

  public void testCreateCAS() {
    TypeSystemMgr tsm = CASFactory.createTypeSystem();
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   * @throws ResourceInitializationException
   *           if an error occurs during modification of the type system
  public static void setupTypeSystem(CASMgr aCASMgr, TypeSystemDescription aTypeSystem)
          throws ResourceInitializationException {
    TypeSystemMgr typeSystemMgr = aCASMgr.getTypeSystemMgr();
    if (aTypeSystem != null) {
      TypeDescription[] types = aTypeSystem.getTypes();
      if (types != null) {
        // add all Types first (so that we can handle forward references) - note
        // that it isn't guarnanteed that a supertype will occur in the Types list
        // before its subtype.

        // Build a linked list of type descriptions. We will make multiple passes
        // over this, adding types to the CAS and removing them from the linked
        // list. We continue until the list is empty or we cannot make any
        // progress.
        LinkedList typeList = new LinkedList();
        int numTypes = typeList.size();
        int lastNumTypes;
        LinkedList typesInOrderOfCreation = new LinkedList();
        do {
          lastNumTypes = numTypes;
          Iterator it = typeList.iterator();
          while (it.hasNext()) {
            TypeDescription curTypeDesc = (TypeDescription);
            String typeName = curTypeDesc.getName();
            // type does not exist - add it under the appropriate supertype
            String superTypeName = curTypeDesc.getSupertypeName();
            if (superTypeName == null) {
              throw new ResourceInitializationException(
                      ResourceInitializationException.NO_SUPERTYPE, new Object[] { typeName,
                          curTypeDesc.getSourceUrlString() });
            Type supertype = typeSystemMgr.getType(superTypeName);
            if (supertype != null) {
              // supertype is defined, so add to CAS type system
              // check for special "enumerated types" that extend String
              if (curTypeDesc.getSupertypeName().equals(CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING)) {
                AllowedValue[] vals = curTypeDesc.getAllowedValues();
                if (vals == null) {
                  throw new ResourceInitializationException(
                          ResourceInitializationException.MISSING_ALLOWED_VALUES, new Object[] {
                              typeName, curTypeDesc.getSourceUrlString() });
                String[] valStrs = new String[vals.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < valStrs.length; i++) {
                  valStrs[i] = vals[i].getString();
                typeSystemMgr.addStringSubtype(typeName, valStrs);
              } else // a "normal" type
                // make sure that allowed values are NOT specified for non-string subtypes
                if (curTypeDesc.getAllowedValues() != null
                        && curTypeDesc.getAllowedValues().length > 0) {
                  throw new ResourceInitializationException(
                          new Object[] { typeName, curTypeDesc.getSourceUrlString() });
                typeSystemMgr.addType(typeName, supertype);
              // remove from list of type descriptions and add it to the typesInOrderOfCreation list
              // for later processing
          numTypes = typeList.size();
        } while (numTypes > 0 && numTypes != lastNumTypes);
        // we quit the above loop either when we've added all types or when
        // we went through the entire list without successfully finding any
        // supertypes. In the latter case, throw an exception
        if (numTypes > 0) {
          TypeDescription firstFailed = (TypeDescription) typeList.getFirst();
          throw new ResourceInitializationException(
                  ResourceInitializationException.UNDEFINED_SUPERTYPE, new Object[] {
                      firstFailed.getSupertypeName(), firstFailed.getName(),
                      firstFailed.getSourceUrlString() });

        // now for each type, add its features. We add features to supertypes before subtypes. This
        // is done so that
        // if we have a duplicate feature name on both a supertype and a subtype, it is added to the
        // supertype and then
        // ignored when we get to the subtype. Although this is a dubious type system, we support it
        // for backwards
        // compatibility (but we might want to think about generating a warning).
        Iterator typeIter = typesInOrderOfCreation.iterator();
        while (typeIter.hasNext()) {
          TypeDescription typeDesc = (TypeDescription);
          Type type = typeSystemMgr.getType(typeDesc.getName());
          // assert type != null;

          FeatureDescription[] features = typeDesc.getFeatures();
          if (features != null) {
            for (int j = 0; j < features.length; j++) {
              String featName = features[j].getName();
              String rangeTypeName = features[j].getRangeTypeName();
              Type rangeType = typeSystemMgr.getType(rangeTypeName);
              if (rangeType == null) {
                throw new ResourceInitializationException(
                        ResourceInitializationException.UNDEFINED_RANGE_TYPE, new Object[] {
                            rangeTypeName, featName, typeDesc.getName(),
                            features[j].getSourceUrlString() });
              if (rangeType.isArray()) // TODO: also List?
                // if an element type is specified, get the specific
                // array subtype for that element type
                String elementTypeName = features[j].getElementType();
                if (elementTypeName != null && elementTypeName.length() > 0) {
                  Type elementType = typeSystemMgr.getType(elementTypeName);
                  if (elementType == null) {
                    throw new ResourceInitializationException(
                            ResourceInitializationException.UNDEFINED_RANGE_TYPE, new Object[] {
                                elementTypeName, featName, typeDesc.getName(),
                                features[j].getSourceUrlString() });
                  rangeType = typeSystemMgr.getArrayType(elementType);
              Boolean multiRefAllowed = features[j].getMultipleReferencesAllowed();
              if (multiRefAllowed == null) {
                multiRefAllowed = Boolean.FALSE; // default to false if unspecified
              typeSystemMgr.addFeature(featName, type, rangeType, multiRefAllowed.booleanValue());
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   *           if an error occurs during index creation
  public static void setupIndexes(CASMgr aCASMgr, FsIndexDescription[] aIndexes)
          throws ResourceInitializationException {
    if (aIndexes != null) {
      TypeSystemMgr tsm = aCASMgr.getTypeSystemMgr();
      FSIndexRepositoryMgr irm = aCASMgr.getIndexRepositoryMgr();

      for (int i = 0; i < aIndexes.length; i++) {
        int kind = FSIndex.SORTED_INDEX;
        String kindStr = aIndexes[i].getKind();
        if (kindStr != null) {
          if (kindStr.equals(FsIndexDescription.KIND_BAG))
            kind = FSIndex.BAG_INDEX;
          else if (kindStr.equals(FsIndexDescription.KIND_SET))
            kind = FSIndex.SET_INDEX;
          else if (kindStr.equals(FsIndexDescription.KIND_SORTED))
            kind = FSIndex.SORTED_INDEX;

        Type type = tsm.getType(aIndexes[i].getTypeName());
        if (type == null) {
          throw new ResourceInitializationException(
                  ResourceInitializationException.UNDEFINED_TYPE_FOR_INDEX, new Object[] {
                      aIndexes[i].getTypeName(), aIndexes[i].getLabel(),
                      aIndexes[i].getSourceUrlString() });
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      ResultSpecification_impl rs = new ResultSpecification_impl();

      // create Type System
      CASMgr casMgr = CASFactory.createCAS();
      TypeSystemMgr tsMgr = casMgr.getTypeSystemMgr();
      Type fakeType = tsMgr.addType("FakeType", tsMgr.getTopType());
      Type anotherType = tsMgr.addType("AnotherType", tsMgr.getTopType());
      tsMgr.addFeature("FakeFeature", fakeType, tsMgr.getTopType());
      tsMgr.addFeature("FakeFeature2", fakeType, tsMgr.getTopType());
      tsMgr.addFeature("AnotherFeature", anotherType, tsMgr.getTopType());
      tsMgr.addFeature("YetAnotherFeature", anotherType, tsMgr.getTopType());

      // compile

      // check
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      ResultSpecification_impl rs = new ResultSpecification_impl();

      // create Type System
      CASMgr casMgr = CASFactory.createCAS();
      TypeSystemMgr tsMgr = casMgr.getTypeSystemMgr();
      Type fakeType = tsMgr.addType("FakeType", tsMgr.getTopType());
      Type anotherType = tsMgr.addType("AnotherType", tsMgr.getTopType());
      tsMgr.addFeature("FakeFeature", fakeType, tsMgr.getTopType());
      tsMgr.addFeature("FakeFeature2", fakeType, tsMgr.getTopType());
      tsMgr.addFeature("AnotherFeature", anotherType, tsMgr.getTopType());
      tsMgr.addFeature("YetAnotherFeature", anotherType, tsMgr.getTopType());
      tsMgr.addType("SubType", fakeType);

      // compile

      // check
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    try {
      this.casMgr = CASFactory.createCAS();
      CasCreationUtils.setupTypeSystem(this.casMgr, (TypeSystemDescription) null);
      // Create a writable type system.
      TypeSystemMgr tsa = this.casMgr.getTypeSystemMgr();
      // Add new types and features.
      // Type topType = tsa.getTopType();
      this.annotationType = tsa.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_ANNOTATION);
//      annotSofaFeat = annotationType.getFeatureByBaseName(CAS.FEATURE_BASE_NAME_SOFA);
      this.docAnnotationType = tsa.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_DOCUMENT_ANNOTATION);
      assertTrue(this.annotationType != null);
      this.crossType = tsa.addType("sofa.test.CrossAnnotation", this.annotationType);
      this.otherFeat = tsa.addFeature("otherAnnotation", this.crossType, this.annotationType);
      // Commit the type system.
      ((CASImpl) this.casMgr).commitTypeSystem();

      // Create the Base indexes.
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   * @throws ResourceInitializationException
   *                 if an error occurs during modification of the type system
  public static void setupTypeSystem(CASMgr aCASMgr, TypeSystemDescription aTypeSystem)
      throws ResourceInitializationException {
    TypeSystemMgr typeSystemMgr = aCASMgr.getTypeSystemMgr();
    if (aTypeSystem != null) {
      TypeDescription[] types = aTypeSystem.getTypes();
      if (types != null) {
        // add all Types first (so that we can handle forward references) - note
        // that it isn't guarnanteed that a supertype will occur in the Types list
        // before its subtype.

        // Build a linked list of type descriptions. We will make multiple passes
        // over this, adding types to the CAS and removing them from the linked
        // list. We continue until the list is empty or we cannot make any
        // progress.
        LinkedList<TypeDescription> typeList = new LinkedList<TypeDescription>();
        int numTypes = typeList.size();
        int lastNumTypes;
        List<TypeDescription> typesInOrderOfCreation = new LinkedList<TypeDescription>();
        do {
          lastNumTypes = numTypes;
          Iterator<TypeDescription> it = typeList.iterator();
          while (it.hasNext()) {
            TypeDescription curTypeDesc = (TypeDescription);
            String typeName = curTypeDesc.getName();
            // type does not exist - add it under the appropriate supertype
            String superTypeName = curTypeDesc.getSupertypeName();
            if (superTypeName == null) {
              throw new ResourceInitializationException(
                  ResourceInitializationException.NO_SUPERTYPE, new Object[] { typeName,
                      curTypeDesc.getSourceUrlString() });
            // Check if it's a built-in type: must not change supertype!
            Type builtIn = typeSystemMgr.getType(typeName);
            if (builtIn != null) {
              if (!superTypeName.equals(typeSystemMgr.getParent(builtIn).getName())) {
                throw new ResourceInitializationException(
                    ResourceInitializationException.REDEFINING_BUILTIN_TYPE, new Object[] {
                        typeSystemMgr.getParent(builtIn), typeName, superTypeName,
                        curTypeDesc.getSourceUrlString() });
            Type supertype = typeSystemMgr.getType(superTypeName);
            if (supertype != null) {
              // supertype is defined, so add to CAS type system
              // check for special "enumerated types" that extend String
              if (curTypeDesc.getSupertypeName().equals(CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING)) {
                AllowedValue[] vals = curTypeDesc.getAllowedValues();
                if (vals == null) {
                  throw new ResourceInitializationException(
                      ResourceInitializationException.MISSING_ALLOWED_VALUES, new Object[] {
                          typeName, curTypeDesc.getSourceUrlString() });
                String[] valStrs = new String[vals.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < valStrs.length; i++) {
                  valStrs[i] = vals[i].getString();
                typeSystemMgr.addStringSubtype(typeName, valStrs);
              } else // a "normal" type
                // make sure that allowed values are NOT specified for non-string subtypes
                if (curTypeDesc.getAllowedValues() != null
                    && curTypeDesc.getAllowedValues().length > 0) {
                  throw new ResourceInitializationException(
                      new Object[] { typeName, curTypeDesc.getSourceUrlString() });
                typeSystemMgr.addType(typeName, supertype);
              // remove from list of type descriptions and add it to the typesInOrderOfCreation list
              // for later processing
          numTypes = typeList.size();
        } while (numTypes > 0 && numTypes != lastNumTypes);
        // we quit the above loop either when we've added all types or when
        // we went through the entire list without successfully finding any
        // supertypes. In the latter case, throw an exception. Since there
        // can be more than one such type, we look for one that does not have
        // ancestor in the list as it is the likely cause of the issue. The
        // implementation of this is not as efficient as it could be but avoids
        // issues with cyclic definitions.
        for (int i = 0; i < typeList.size(); i++) {
          TypeDescription td_i = (TypeDescription) typeList.get(i);
          boolean foundSuperType = false;
          for (int j = 0; j < typeList.size(); j++) {
            if (i == j) {
            TypeDescription td_j = (TypeDescription) typeList.get(j);
            if (td_j.getName().equals(td_i.getSupertypeName())) {
              foundSuperType = true;
          if (!foundSuperType) {
            throw new ResourceInitializationException(
                ResourceInitializationException.UNDEFINED_SUPERTYPE, new Object[] {
                    td_i.getSupertypeName(), td_i.getName(), td_i.getSourceUrlString() });

        if (numTypes > 0) {
          // We get here in either of two cases: there was only one problematic
          // type definition, or there was a cycle.
          TypeDescription firstFailed = (TypeDescription) typeList.getFirst();
          throw new ResourceInitializationException(
              ResourceInitializationException.UNDEFINED_SUPERTYPE, new Object[] {
                  firstFailed.getSupertypeName(), firstFailed.getName(),
                  firstFailed.getSourceUrlString() });

        // now for each type, add its features. We add features to supertypes before subtypes. This
        // is done so that
        // if we have a duplicate feature name on both a supertype and a subtype, it is added to the
        // supertype and then
        // ignored when we get to the subtype. Although this is a dubious type system, we support it
        // for backwards
        // compatibility (but we might want to think about generating a warning).
        Iterator<TypeDescription> typeIter = typesInOrderOfCreation.iterator();
        while (typeIter.hasNext()) {
          TypeDescription typeDesc = (TypeDescription);
          Type type = typeSystemMgr.getType(typeDesc.getName());
          // assert type != null;

          FeatureDescription[] features = typeDesc.getFeatures();
          if (features != null) {
            for (int j = 0; j < features.length; j++) {
              String featName = features[j].getName();
              String rangeTypeName = features[j].getRangeTypeName();
              Type rangeType = typeSystemMgr.getType(rangeTypeName);
              if (rangeType == null) {
                throw new ResourceInitializationException(
                    ResourceInitializationException.UNDEFINED_RANGE_TYPE, new Object[] {
                        rangeTypeName, featName, typeDesc.getName(),
                        features[j].getSourceUrlString() });
              if (rangeType.isArray()) // TODO: also List?
                // if an element type is specified, get the specific
                // array subtype for that element type
                String elementTypeName = features[j].getElementType();
                if (elementTypeName != null && elementTypeName.length() > 0) {
                  Type elementType = typeSystemMgr.getType(elementTypeName);
                  if (elementType == null) {
                    throw new ResourceInitializationException(
                        ResourceInitializationException.UNDEFINED_RANGE_TYPE, new Object[] {
                            elementTypeName, featName, typeDesc.getName(),
                            features[j].getSourceUrlString() });
                  rangeType = typeSystemMgr.getArrayType(elementType);
              Boolean multiRefAllowed = features[j].getMultipleReferencesAllowed();
              if (multiRefAllowed == null) {
                multiRefAllowed = Boolean.FALSE; // default to false if unspecified
              typeSystemMgr.addFeature(featName, type, rangeType, multiRefAllowed.booleanValue());
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   *                 if an error occurs during index creation
  public static void setupIndexes(CASMgr aCASMgr, FsIndexDescription[] aIndexes)
      throws ResourceInitializationException {
    if (aIndexes != null) {
      TypeSystemMgr tsm = aCASMgr.getTypeSystemMgr();
      FSIndexRepositoryMgr irm = aCASMgr.getIndexRepositoryMgr();

      for (int i = 0; i < aIndexes.length; i++) {
        int kind = FSIndex.SORTED_INDEX;
        String kindStr = aIndexes[i].getKind();
        if (kindStr != null) {
          if (kindStr.equals(FsIndexDescription.KIND_BAG))
            kind = FSIndex.BAG_INDEX;
          else if (kindStr.equals(FsIndexDescription.KIND_SET))
            kind = FSIndex.SET_INDEX;
          else if (kindStr.equals(FsIndexDescription.KIND_SORTED))
            kind = FSIndex.SORTED_INDEX;

        Type type = tsm.getType(aIndexes[i].getTypeName());
        if (type == null) {
          throw new ResourceInitializationException(
              ResourceInitializationException.UNDEFINED_TYPE_FOR_INDEX, new Object[] {
                  aIndexes[i].getTypeName(), aIndexes[i].getLabel(),
                  aIndexes[i].getSourceUrlString() });
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    try {
      casMgr = CASFactory.createCAS();
      CasCreationUtils.setupTypeSystem(casMgr, (TypeSystemDescription) null);
      // Create a writable type system.
      TypeSystemMgr tsa = casMgr.getTypeSystemMgr();
      // Add new types and features.
      Type annotType = tsa.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_ANNOTATION);
      Type crossType = tsa.addType("org.apache.uima.cas.test.CrossAnnotation", annotType);
      tsa.addFeature("otherAnnotation", crossType, annotType);
      // Commit the type system.
      ((CASImpl) casMgr).commitTypeSystem();

      // Create the Base indexes.
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    CASMgr casMgr = null;
    try {
      // this call does nothing: because 2nd arg is null
      CasCreationUtils.setupTypeSystem(casMgr0, (TypeSystemDescription) null);
      // Create a writable type system.
      TypeSystemMgr tsa = casMgr0.getTypeSystemMgr();
      // Next not needed, type system is already uncommitted
//      ((TypeSystemImpl) tsa).setCommitted(false);
      // do the type system tests
      // Commit the type system.
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Related Classes of org.apache.uima.cas.admin.TypeSystemMgr

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