Package org.apache.uima.aae.jmx

Examples of org.apache.uima.aae.jmx.ServiceInfoMBean

        if (nameLen > maxNameLength) {
          maxNameLength = nameLen;

        // Create a proxy object to the Service Info MBean
        ServiceInfoMBean infoMBeanProxy = getServiceInfoMBean(names, key);
        key = key.substring(key.indexOf(",name=") + ",name=".length());
        // Create a proxy to the service CasPool object.
        CasPoolManagementImplMBean casPoolMBeanProxy = null;
        //  Get Service CAS Pool MBean Proxy. This only make sense for top level service.
        //  This is a Cas Pool for deserializing CASes from remote clients
        if (infoMBeanProxy.isTopLevel()) {
          if (infoMBeanProxy.isAggregate()) {
            casPoolMBeanProxy = getServiceCasPoolMBean("AggregateContext", names);
          } else {
            casPoolMBeanProxy = getServiceCasPoolMBean("PrimitiveAEService", names);
        StatEntry entry = null;
        if (casPoolMBeanProxy != null) {
          entry = new StatEntry(perfMBeanProxy, infoMBeanProxy, casPoolMBeanProxy);
        } else {
          entry = new StatEntry(perfMBeanProxy, infoMBeanProxy);

        String location = "Collocated";
        // If a service is co-located in the same JVM fetch the service queue proxy
        if (infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL().startsWith("Embedded Broker")) {
          // Get Co-located CM Cas Pool
          if (infoMBeanProxy.isCASMultiplier()) {
            // Create a proxy to the Cas Multiplier CasPool object.
            CasPoolManagementImplMBean casPoolMBean =
              getServiceCasPoolMBean(infoMBeanProxy.getCmRegisteredName(), names);
            if (casPoolMBean != null) {

          // Create a proxy to the service queue MBean
          UimaVmQueueMBean queueProxy = getQueueMBean(mbsc, infoMBeanProxy.getInputQueueName());
          if (queueProxy != null) {
          UimaVmQueueMBean replyQueueProxy = getQueueMBean(mbsc, infoMBeanProxy.getReplyQueueName());
          if (replyQueueProxy != null) {

        } else {
          // The MBean is for a remote service. Connect to this service Broker and create a proxy
          // to an input queue for the service. Assumption: the broker registers JMX server on
          // port 1099.
          location = "Remote";
          int spos = infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL().indexOf("//");
          int endpos = infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL().lastIndexOf(":");

          String remoteHostname = infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL().substring(spos + 2, endpos);
          if (verbose)
            System.out.println("Connecting to a remote JMX Server: " + remoteHostname + " key:"
                    + key);
          String remoteJMX = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://" + remoteHostname + ":1099/jmxrmi";
          MBeanServerConnection remoteServer = getServerConnection(remoteJMX);
          QueueViewMBean inputQueueProxy = getQueueMBean(remoteServer, infoMBeanProxy
                  .getInputQueueName(), uimaServiceQueuePattern);
          if (inputQueueProxy != null) {
          } else {
            System.out.println("Unable to find Input Queue:" + infoMBeanProxy.getInputQueueName()
                    + " In JMX Registry:" + remoteJMX);
          QueueViewMBean replyQueueProxy = null;
          if (infoMBeanProxy.isAggregate()) {
            replyQueueProxy = getQueueMBean(mbsc, infoMBeanProxy.getReplyQueueName(),
          } else {
            replyQueueProxy = getQueueMBean(remoteServer, infoMBeanProxy.getReplyQueueName(),

          if (replyQueueProxy != null) {
          } else {
            System.out.println("Unable to find Reply Queue:" + infoMBeanProxy.getReplyQueueName()
                    + " In JMX Registry:" + remoteJMX);
        if (verbose)
          System.out.println("\nUIMA AS Service:" + key + "[>>> " + location
                  + " <<<]\n\tService Broker:" + infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL() + "\n\tQueue Name:"
                  + infoMBeanProxy.getInputQueueName());
        stats.put(name, entry);

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        // Fetch previous metrics for service identified by 'name'
        StatEntry entry = stats.get(name);
        if (entry == null) {
        ServiceInfoMBean serviceInfo = entry.getServiceInfoMBeanProxy();
        CasPoolManagementImplMBean getServiceCasPoolMBeanProxy = entry
        boolean isRemote = serviceInfo.getBrokerURL().startsWith("tcp:");
        boolean topLevel = serviceInfo.isTopLevel();

        // Get the current reading from MBeans
        double idleTime = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy().getIdleTime();
        double casPoolWaitTime = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy().getCasPoolWaitTime();
        double shadowCasPoolWaitTime = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy()
        double analysisTime = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy().getAnalysisTime();
        long processCount = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy().getNumberOfCASesProcessed();
        QueueViewMBean inputQueueInfo = entry.getInputQueueInfo();
        QueueViewMBean replyQueueInfo = entry.getReplyQueueInfo();

    cmFreeCasInstanceCount = -1;
        if (serviceInfo.isCASMultiplier() && !isRemote && entry.getCasPoolMBean() != null) {
          try {
            cmFreeCasInstanceCount = entry.getCasPoolMBean().getAvailableInstances();
          } catch( Exception e) {
            //swallow this for now.
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        if (nameLen > maxNameLength) {
          maxNameLength = nameLen;

        // Create a proxy object to the Service Info MBean
        ServiceInfoMBean infoMBeanProxy = getServiceInfoMBean(names, key);
        key = key.substring(key.indexOf(",name=") + ",name=".length());
        // Create a proxy to the service CasPool object.
        CasPoolManagementImplMBean casPoolMBeanProxy = null;

        if (infoMBeanProxy.isTopLevel()) {
          if (infoMBeanProxy.isAggregate()) {
            casPoolMBeanProxy = getServiceCasPoolMBean("AggregateContext", names);
          } else {
            casPoolMBeanProxy = getServiceCasPoolMBean("PrimitiveAEService", names);
        // Create a Map entry containing MBeans
        StatEntry entry = null;
        if (casPoolMBeanProxy != null) {
          entry = new StatEntry(perfMBeanProxy, infoMBeanProxy, casPoolMBeanProxy);
        } else {
          entry = new StatEntry(perfMBeanProxy, infoMBeanProxy);

        String location = "Collocated";
        // If a service is co-located in the same JVM fetch the service queue proxy
        if (infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL().startsWith("Embedded Broker")) {

          if (infoMBeanProxy.isCASMultiplier()) {
            // Create a proxy to the Cas Multiplier CasPool object.
            CasPoolManagementImplMBean casPoolMBean = getCasPoolMBean(names, infoMBeanProxy
            if (casPoolMBean != null) {

          // Create a proxy to the service queue MBean
          UimaVmQueueMBean queueProxy = getQueueMBean(mbsc, infoMBeanProxy.getInputQueueName());
          if (queueProxy != null) {
          UimaVmQueueMBean replyQueueProxy = getQueueMBean(mbsc, infoMBeanProxy.getReplyQueueName());
          if (replyQueueProxy != null) {

        } else {
          // The MBean is for a remote service. Connect to this service Broker and create a proxy
          // to an input queue for the service. Assumption: the broker registers JMX server on
          // port 1099.
          location = "Remote";
          int spos = infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL().indexOf("//");
          int endpos = infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL().lastIndexOf(":");

          String remoteHostname = infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL().substring(spos + 2, endpos);
          if (verbose)
            System.out.println("Connecting to a remote JMX Server: " + remoteHostname + " key:"
                    + key);
          String remoteJMX = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://" + remoteHostname + ":1099/jmxrmi";
          MBeanServerConnection remoteServer = getServerConnection(remoteJMX);
          QueueViewMBean inputQueueProxy = getQueueMBean(remoteServer, infoMBeanProxy
                  .getInputQueueName(), uimaServiceQueuePattern);
          if (inputQueueProxy != null) {
          } else {
            System.out.println("Unable to find Input Queue:" + infoMBeanProxy.getInputQueueName()
                    + " In JMX Registry:" + remoteJMX);
          QueueViewMBean replyQueueProxy = null;
          if (infoMBeanProxy.isAggregate()) {
            replyQueueProxy = getQueueMBean(mbsc, infoMBeanProxy.getReplyQueueName(),
          } else {
            replyQueueProxy = getQueueMBean(remoteServer, infoMBeanProxy.getReplyQueueName(),

          if (replyQueueProxy != null) {
          } else {
            System.out.println("Unable to find Reply Queue:" + infoMBeanProxy.getReplyQueueName()
                    + " In JMX Registry:" + remoteJMX);
        if (verbose)
          System.out.println("\nUIMA AS Service:" + key + "[>>> " + location
                  + " <<<]\n\tService Broker:" + infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL() + "\n\tQueue Name:"
                  + infoMBeanProxy.getInputQueueName());
        stats.put(name, entry);

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        // Fetch previous metrics for service identified by 'name'
        StatEntry entry = stats.get(name);
        if (entry == null) {
        ServiceInfoMBean serviceInfo = entry.getServiceInfoMBeanProxy();
        CasPoolManagementImplMBean getServiceCasPoolMBeanProxy = entry
        boolean isRemote = serviceInfo.getBrokerURL().startsWith("tcp:");
        boolean topLevel = serviceInfo.isTopLevel();

        // Get the current reading from MBeans
        double idleTime = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy().getIdleTime();
        double casPoolWaitTime = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy().getCasPoolWaitTime();
        double shadowCasPoolWaitTime = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy()
        double analysisTime = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy().getAnalysisTime();
        long processCount = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy().getNumberOfCASesProcessed();
        QueueViewMBean inputQueueInfo = entry.getInputQueueInfo();
        QueueViewMBean replyQueueInfo = entry.getReplyQueueInfo();

        if (serviceInfo.isCASMultiplier() && !isRemote && entry.getCasPoolMBean() != null) {
          cmFreeCasInstanceCount = entry.getCasPoolMBean().getAvailableInstances();
        long inputQueueDepth = -1;
        UimaVmQueueMBean vmInputQueueInfo = null;
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        if (nameLen > maxNameLength) {
          maxNameLength = nameLen;

        // Create a proxy object to the Service Info MBean
        ServiceInfoMBean infoMBeanProxy = getServiceInfoMBean(names, key);
        key = key.substring(key.indexOf(",name=") + ",name=".length());
        // Create a proxy to the service CasPool object.
        CasPoolManagementImplMBean casPoolMBeanProxy = null;
        //  Get Service CAS Pool MBean Proxy. This only make sense for top level service.
        //  This is a Cas Pool for deserializing CASes from remote clients
        if (infoMBeanProxy.isTopLevel()) {
          if (infoMBeanProxy.isAggregate()) {
            casPoolMBeanProxy = getServiceCasPoolMBean("AggregateContext", names);
          } else {
            casPoolMBeanProxy = getServiceCasPoolMBean("PrimitiveAEService", names);
        StatEntry entry = null;
        if (casPoolMBeanProxy != null) {
          entry = new StatEntry(perfMBeanProxy, infoMBeanProxy, casPoolMBeanProxy);
        } else {
          entry = new StatEntry(perfMBeanProxy, infoMBeanProxy);

        String location = "Collocated";
        // If a service is co-located in the same JVM fetch the service queue proxy
        if (infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL().startsWith("Embedded Broker")) {
          // Get Co-located CM Cas Pool
          if (infoMBeanProxy.isCASMultiplier()) {
            // Create a proxy to the Cas Multiplier CasPool object.
            CasPoolManagementImplMBean casPoolMBean =
              getServiceCasPoolMBean(infoMBeanProxy.getCmRegisteredName(), names);
            if (casPoolMBean != null) {

          // Create a proxy to the service queue MBean
          UimaVmQueueMBean queueProxy = getQueueMBean(mbsc, infoMBeanProxy.getInputQueueName());
          if (queueProxy != null) {
          UimaVmQueueMBean replyQueueProxy = getQueueMBean(mbsc, infoMBeanProxy.getReplyQueueName());
          if (replyQueueProxy != null) {

        } else {
          // The MBean is for a remote service. Connect to this service Broker and create a proxy
          // to an input queue for the service. Assumption: the broker registers JMX server on
          // port 1099.
          location = "Remote";
          int spos = infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL().indexOf("//");
          int endpos = infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL().lastIndexOf(":");

          String remoteHostname = infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL().substring(spos + 2, endpos);
          if (verbose)
            System.out.println("Connecting to a remote JMX Server: " + remoteHostname + " key:"
                    + key);
          String remoteJMX = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://" + remoteHostname + ":1099/jmxrmi";
          MBeanServerConnection remoteServer = getServerConnection(remoteJMX);
          QueueViewMBean inputQueueProxy = getQueueMBean(remoteServer, infoMBeanProxy
                  .getInputQueueName(), uimaServiceQueuePattern);
          if (inputQueueProxy != null) {
          } else {
            System.out.println("Unable to find Input Queue:" + infoMBeanProxy.getInputQueueName()
                    + " In JMX Registry:" + remoteJMX);
          QueueViewMBean replyQueueProxy = null;
          if (infoMBeanProxy.isAggregate()) {
            replyQueueProxy = getQueueMBean(mbsc, infoMBeanProxy.getReplyQueueName(),
          } else {
            replyQueueProxy = getQueueMBean(remoteServer, infoMBeanProxy.getReplyQueueName(),

          if (replyQueueProxy != null) {
          } else {
            System.out.println("Unable to find Reply Queue:" + infoMBeanProxy.getReplyQueueName()
                    + " In JMX Registry:" + remoteJMX);
        if (verbose)
          System.out.println("\nUIMA AS Service:" + key + "[>>> " + location
                  + " <<<]\n\tService Broker:" + infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL() + "\n\tQueue Name:"
                  + infoMBeanProxy.getInputQueueName());
        stats.put(name, entry);

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        // Fetch previous metrics for service identified by 'name'
        StatEntry entry = stats.get(name);
        if (entry == null) {
        ServiceInfoMBean serviceInfo = entry.getServiceInfoMBeanProxy();
        CasPoolManagementImplMBean getServiceCasPoolMBeanProxy = entry
        boolean isRemote = serviceInfo.getBrokerURL().startsWith("tcp:");
        boolean topLevel = serviceInfo.isTopLevel();

        // Get the current reading from MBeans
        double idleTime = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy().getIdleTime();
        double casPoolWaitTime = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy().getCasPoolWaitTime();
        double shadowCasPoolWaitTime = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy()
        double analysisTime = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy().getAnalysisTime();
        long processCount = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy().getNumberOfCASesProcessed();
        QueueViewMBean inputQueueInfo = entry.getInputQueueInfo();
        QueueViewMBean replyQueueInfo = entry.getReplyQueueInfo();

    cmFreeCasInstanceCount = -1;
        if (serviceInfo.isCASMultiplier() && !isRemote && entry.getCasPoolMBean() != null) {
          try {
            cmFreeCasInstanceCount = entry.getCasPoolMBean().getAvailableInstances();
          } catch( Exception e) {
            //swallow this for now.
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        if (nameLen > maxNameLength) {
          maxNameLength = nameLen;

        // Create a proxy object to the Service Info MBean
        ServiceInfoMBean infoMBeanProxy = getServiceInfoMBean(names, key);
        key = key.substring(key.indexOf(",name=") + ",name=".length());
        // Create a proxy to the service CasPool object.
        CasPoolManagementImplMBean casPoolMBeanProxy = null;
        //  Get Service CAS Pool MBean Proxy. This only make sense for top level service.
        //  This is a Cas Pool for deserializing CASes from remote clients
        if (infoMBeanProxy.isTopLevel()) {
          if (infoMBeanProxy.isAggregate()) {
            casPoolMBeanProxy = getServiceCasPoolMBean("AggregateContext", names);
          } else {
            casPoolMBeanProxy = getServiceCasPoolMBean("PrimitiveAEService", names);
        StatEntry entry = null;
        if (casPoolMBeanProxy != null) {
          entry = new StatEntry(perfMBeanProxy, infoMBeanProxy, casPoolMBeanProxy);
        } else {
          entry = new StatEntry(perfMBeanProxy, infoMBeanProxy);

        String location = "Collocated";
        // If a service is co-located in the same JVM fetch the service queue proxy
        if (infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL().startsWith("Embedded Broker")) {
          // Get Co-located CM Cas Pool
          if (infoMBeanProxy.isCASMultiplier()) {
            // Create a proxy to the Cas Multiplier CasPool object.
            CasPoolManagementImplMBean casPoolMBean =
              getServiceCasPoolMBean(infoMBeanProxy.getCmRegisteredName(), names);
            if (casPoolMBean != null) {

          // Create a proxy to the service queue MBean
          UimaVmQueueMBean queueProxy = getQueueMBean(mbsc, infoMBeanProxy.getInputQueueName());
          if (queueProxy != null) {
          UimaVmQueueMBean replyQueueProxy = getQueueMBean(mbsc, infoMBeanProxy.getReplyQueueName());
          if (replyQueueProxy != null) {

        } else {
          // The MBean is for a remote service. Connect to this service Broker and create a proxy
          // to an input queue for the service. Assumption: the broker registers JMX server on
          // port 1099.
          location = "Remote";
          int spos = infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL().indexOf("//");
          int endpos = infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL().lastIndexOf(":");

          String remoteHostname = infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL().substring(spos + 2, endpos);
          if (verbose)
            System.out.println("Connecting to a remote JMX Server: " + remoteHostname + " key:"
                    + key);
          String remoteJMX = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://" + remoteHostname + ":1099/jmxrmi";
          MBeanServerConnection remoteServer = getServerConnection(remoteJMX);
          QueueViewMBean inputQueueProxy = getQueueMBean(remoteServer, infoMBeanProxy
                  .getInputQueueName(), uimaServiceQueuePattern);
          if (inputQueueProxy != null) {
          } else {
            System.out.println("Unable to find Input Queue:" + infoMBeanProxy.getInputQueueName()
                    + " In JMX Registry:" + remoteJMX);
          QueueViewMBean replyQueueProxy = null;
          if (infoMBeanProxy.isAggregate()) {
            replyQueueProxy = getQueueMBean(mbsc, infoMBeanProxy.getReplyQueueName(),
          } else {
            replyQueueProxy = getQueueMBean(remoteServer, infoMBeanProxy.getReplyQueueName(),

          if (replyQueueProxy != null) {
          } else {
            System.out.println("Unable to find Reply Queue:" + infoMBeanProxy.getReplyQueueName()
                    + " In JMX Registry:" + remoteJMX);
        if (verbose)
          System.out.println("\nUIMA AS Service:" + key + "[>>> " + location
                  + " <<<]\n\tService Broker:" + infoMBeanProxy.getBrokerURL() + "\n\tQueue Name:"
                  + infoMBeanProxy.getInputQueueName());
        stats.put(name, entry);

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        // Fetch previous metrics for service identified by 'name'
        StatEntry entry = stats.get(name);
        if (entry == null) {
        ServiceInfoMBean serviceInfo = entry.getServiceInfoMBeanProxy();
        CasPoolManagementImplMBean getServiceCasPoolMBeanProxy = entry
        boolean isRemote = serviceInfo.getBrokerURL().startsWith("tcp:");
        boolean topLevel = serviceInfo.isTopLevel();

        // Get the current reading from MBeans
        double idleTime = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy().getIdleTime();
        double casPoolWaitTime = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy().getCasPoolWaitTime();
        double shadowCasPoolWaitTime = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy()
        double analysisTime = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy().getAnalysisTime();
        long processCount = entry.getServicePerformanceMBeanProxy().getNumberOfCASesProcessed();
        QueueViewMBean inputQueueInfo = entry.getInputQueueInfo();
        QueueViewMBean replyQueueInfo = entry.getReplyQueueInfo();

    cmFreeCasInstanceCount = -1;
        if (serviceInfo.isCASMultiplier() && !isRemote && entry.getCasPoolMBean() != null) {
          try {
            cmFreeCasInstanceCount = entry.getCasPoolMBean().getAvailableInstances();
          } catch( Exception e) {
            //swallow this for now.
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Related Classes of org.apache.uima.aae.jmx.ServiceInfoMBean

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