TestLogger.logger.debug("test: " + getName());
// create the proxy instance. the WSDL used by this proxy
// should have a proper SOAP 1.2 binding configured
SOAP12EchoService service = new SOAP12EchoService();
Echo proxy = service.getPort(new QName("http://jaxws.axis2.apache.org/proxy/soap12", "EchoPort"), Echo.class);
// invoke the remote operation. send a key that tells the
// service send back a SOAP 1.1 response. this should result
// in an error.
try {
String response = proxy.echo(SEND_SOAP11_RESPONSE);
TestLogger.logger.debug("response returned [" + response + "]");
// if we've gotten this far, then something went wrong.
catch (WebServiceException wse) {
TestLogger.logger.debug("an exception was thrown, as expected");
// Now do it a second time to confirm the same behavior
try {
String response = proxy.echo(SEND_SOAP11_RESPONSE);
TestLogger.logger.debug("response returned [" + response + "]");
// if we've gotten this far, then something went wrong.