String LOAD_ERROR = "No pathes for XML files were specified. " +
"Check that the property exists in " +
"TurbineResources.props and were loaded.";
throw new InitializationException(LOAD_ERROR);
Set xmlFiles = new HashSet();
long timeStamp = 0;
for (Iterator it = xmlPathes.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
// Files are webapp.root relative
String xmlPath = Turbine.getRealPath((String);
File xmlFile = new File(xmlPath);
log.debug("Path for XML File: " + xmlFile);
if (!xmlFile.canRead())
String READ_ERR = "Could not read input file " + xmlPath;
throw new InitializationException(READ_ERR);
log.debug("Added " + xmlPath + " as File to parse");
// Get the timestamp of the youngest file to be compared with
// a serialized file. If it is younger than the serialized file,
// then we have to parse the XML anyway.
timeStamp =
(xmlFile.lastModified() > timeStamp) ? xmlFile.lastModified() : timeStamp;
Map serializedMap = loadSerialized(serialDataPath, timeStamp);
if (serializedMap != null)
// Use the serialized data as XML groups. Don't parse.
appDataElements = serializedMap;
log.debug("Using the serialized map");
// Parse all the given XML files
appDataElements = new HashMap();
for (Iterator it = xmlFiles.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
String xmlPath = (String);
AppData appData = null;
log.debug("Now parsing: " + xmlPath);
XmlToAppData xmlApp = new XmlToAppData();
appData = xmlApp.parseFile(xmlPath);
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Could not parse XML file " + xmlPath, e);
throw new InitializationException("Could not parse XML file " +
xmlPath, e);
appDataElements.put(appData, xmlPath);
log.debug("Saving appData for " + xmlPath);
saveSerialized(serialDataPath, appDataElements);
for (Iterator it = appDataElements.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();)
AppData appData = (AppData);
int maxPooledGroups = 0;
List glist = appData.getGroups();
String groupPrefix = appData.getGroupPrefix();
for (int i = glist.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
XmlGroup g = (XmlGroup) glist.get(i);
String groupName = g.getName();
boolean registerUnqualified = registerGroup(groupName, g, appData, true);
if (!registerUnqualified)
{"Ignored redefinition of Group " + groupName
+ " or Key " + g.getKey()
+ " from " + appDataElements.get(appData));
if (groupPrefix != null)
StringBuffer qualifiedName = new StringBuffer();
// Add the fully qualified group name. Do _not_ check for
// the existence of the key if the unqualified registration succeeded
// (because then it was added by the registerGroup above).
if (!registerGroup(qualifiedName.toString(), g, appData, !registerUnqualified))
log.error("Could not register fully qualified name " + qualifiedName
+ ", maybe two XML files have the same prefix. Ignoring it.");
maxPooledGroups =
KeyedPoolableObjectFactory factory =
new Group.GroupFactory(appData);
keyedPools.put(appData, new StackKeyedObjectPool(factory, maxPooledGroups));
catch (Exception e)
throw new InitializationException(
"TurbineIntakeService failed to initialize", e);