import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
public class TemplateEndpointFactory extends EndpointFactory {
public Endpoint createEndpoint(OMElement endpointElement, boolean a, Properties properties) {
TemplateEndpoint templateEndpoint = new TemplateEndpoint();
OMAttribute endpointNameAttribute = endpointElement.getAttribute(
new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE, "name"));
if (endpointNameAttribute != null) {
templateEndpoint.addParameter("name", endpointNameAttribute.getAttributeValue());
} else {
handleException("Error loading the configuration from Template " +
"Endpoint, name attribute is missing");
OMAttribute endpointURIAttribute = endpointElement.getAttribute(
new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE, "uri"));
if (endpointURIAttribute != null) {
templateEndpoint.addParameter("uri", endpointURIAttribute.getAttributeValue());
} else {
handleException("Error loading the configuration from Template Endpoint, " +
templateEndpoint.getName() + " uri attribute is missing");
OMAttribute endpointTemplateAttribute = endpointElement.getAttribute(
new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE, "template"));
if (endpointTemplateAttribute != null) {
} else {
handleException("Error loading the configuration from endpoint group, " +
templateEndpoint.getName() +
" template attribute is missing");
Iterator paramItr = endpointElement.getChildrenWithName(
new QName(SynapseConstants.SYNAPSE_NAMESPACE, "parameter"));
while (paramItr.hasNext()) {
OMElement paramElement = (OMElement);
OMAttribute paramName = paramElement.getAttribute(new QName("name"));
OMAttribute paramValue = paramElement.getAttribute(new QName("value"));
if (paramName == null) {
handleException("parameter name should be present");
if (paramValue == null) {
handleException("parameter value should be present");
assert paramName != null;
assert paramValue != null;
return templateEndpoint;